(no subject)

Apr 20, 2010 19:04

I got Andrews revision of Log of the Huricane 8. Some of it was good and some was just bad. I'm going to wait on a revision from Brian before I merge everything.

As an exorcise to refine my writing into something sell-able I'm running that section by Meg and both Brothers. I figure if the three of them get the imagery story without wanting to slap the author then I'm probably doing pretty good. After all, the purpose of writing is to tell the story.

The whole thing has also been a bit of a discipline in handling criticism. I put some of my work in the hands of one of my biggest critic and I'm actually trying to take the criticism constructively.

I'm not sure how, if ever, this piece will ever make it to publishing, but As a phase two to the exorcise, I have a couple friends in mind who I think actually have the education and skill set to proofread at a professional level.

I can't lie, part of my inspiration to continue to move forward is Twilight. If something like that can have it's moment in the spotlight, I'm pretty sure my work has a chance.
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