Whedonberry Builds or Stacie Follows the Group, Let's Hope There's Not a Cliff

Mar 18, 2010 16:18

So, I couldn't resist the thought of doing what so many of you had already done.  This is the Whedonberry heightstraveganza!!  I think I've hit everybody of recent, but if there's someone I missed or you're curious about, feel free to ask!!

PT 9 (Jhonn) Smith is 6'3, but looks three inches shorter due to his slouch.  Though undeniably alien, he has grown a bit pudgy throughout the years through his immersion into human culture.  Though Jenny was the love of his life, he has often said that it was cream puffs that "sealed the deal" for his extended stay on the human world.

Cordelia is about 5'5 and curvy, almost to the point of being plump.  Though not packing much in the front, her posterior has the qualities of one who has a motor in the back of her Honda.  This was not the case when she was married to Senator Scott.  At that point, she worked out until she was a stick (which was a difficult feat).

Johnny Smith is about 6'0 and skinny as hell.  It comes from years of running from various bullies in school who didn't take too kindly to green-skinned-types.  The worst of those bullies was Tank, the deceased elder brother of Buzz Grunt.

Deanna is about 5'6 and a couldn't be more of a daddy's girl frame-wise.  Wiry and athletic, she's the girl that is too skinny to have boobs, but not unhealthily so.

Derrial is tall and wiry, like his dad and grandfather.  I see him capping at about 6'1.  Though he's wiry, he's also strong.  I could see him doing kickboxing as his ideal workout.  He's the guy that works out five times a week because of routine and health, not to make the ladies swoon.  Derri eats and prepares food in the healthiest ways he can which is difficult to do when his brother's around.

Dean is quite a bit shorter than Derri at 5'9.  Dean is beefy.  He eats whatever he wants (which is a cardiologist's nightmare) and manages to stay fit because of his active lifestyle.  He has magnificent arms despite being the guy that does five push ups during commercials and calls it a day.  Derrial once noted that Dean's dropped about five pounds since getting married.  Dean says it's due to all the additional exercise that Miranda engages him in.  Derrial never mentioned Dean's weight again.

Drusilla is the shortest member of the family at about 5'3.  She has a tiny frame.  I picture her having to crane her neck to look up at her brothers and Marcellus.  Though tiny, she's very fit.  If she were a weapon, she'd be a bullwhip.

Eustace is about 5'10 and medium build.  If he worked out, he'd be far beefier than his Uncle Dean, but Eustace can't be bothered with lifting weights.  He stays fit, but just barely.

Evangeline is 5'6 and full figured.  She has to work to stay fit, but could never be a stick figure.  She's got an hourglass figure.  She's all curves and loves a good meal.

Katrina Miguel is tall and curvy, almost Amazonian.  I'd say she's about 5'10.

Bromley is the same height, but only thick due to weightlifting.  If he stopped working out, he'd be a twig.

Valentine Gray is about 5'10, making him have to look up to Katrina anytime she wears heels.  I'm not sure it bothers him that she's taller.  He's quite pleased with what the heels put him eye level with.

Cassandra Windsor is 5'7, with a medium build.  She doesn't work out unless it's through a fun activity and she's pretty alright with the fact that sometimes that means she's a little out of shape.

Tanner "Tank" Grunt is 6'2 and a solid wall of a guy.  He works out everyday and has since he was too young to be doing so.  He doesn't think of himself as hot mostly because he doesn't think of himself at all.

Ripley "Ripp" Grunt is 6'4 and lanky all except for his tummy, where he's just a little pudgy.  He'd probably be motivated to get himself fitter if he didn't know that would make his dad happy.

Angelis is about 5'5 and has a bit of a vixenish figure that she uses whenever the mood suits her.

Lillith is 5'1 and thin, but curvy.  It is clear that her build is a remnant of a long gone era.  She wears platform boots to appear taller, but the fact remains that her look is one that hasn't been seen in millennia.


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