because i have other things to do...

Oct 20, 2005 22:58

• outfit: my new pink skirt with the silver thread in it and a random tanktop
• hairstyle: down
• jewelry: class ring, monogram bracelet, rhinestone necklace, angel wing earrings
• underwear: let me check...purple with pink flowers embroidered
• nail color: it's coming off

do you:
• cut yourself: on occasion, but not on purpose
• lick yourself: when i cut myself or have yummy food on me
• whine a lot: sometimes
• yell a lot: generally no
• hate a lot of people: a select few
• have too many friends: the perfect amount
• want to die: when i get old
• have a bf/gf: not right now, but hopefully in the near future
• do drugs: no
• wear dark colors: when i feel like it
• dye your hair: not since junior year of high school
• shave strange places: what is considered strange?

have you ever:
• kissed someone: yes
• gotten drunk: yes, but i was really tired and hadn't hardly eaten that day
• worn rainbow: i've had a rainbow on my shirt before, but i was little
• talked on the phone for over 3 hours: not that i can recall
• left the country: does canada count?
• had a party with over 30 people: no. i don't have parties.
• stolen something: no
• caught something on fire: several projects for honors us history and random food
• cheated on someone: never
• wanted to cheat on someone: absolutely not
• asked someone out: yeah, but they didn't take me up on the offer
• had a dream, then the next day it happens: didn't happen the next day, but did happen eventually

last person:
• you touched: i think ben when i whopped him since he didn't know what it meant
• you talked to: my roomate catherine
• you hugged: ben for zombie-fying my costume
• you kissed: depends on the kind of kiss...romantic-stupid head over a year ago, platonic-mommaw
• you instant messaged: kathryn
• who broke your heart: stupid head, but all the better now

are you:
• understanding: yeah
• open-minded: generally
• arrogant: i can be
• insecure: is this a trick question?
• interesting: does an interesting person twirl in leaves?
• talkative: depends on the person
• ignored: yep
• reliable: very
• self-disciplined: pretty much
• sleepy: oh yeah...5:30 wakeups are killer
• lonely: not as much as i was

info about yourself:
• what is your birth name? Erin Leigh Killian
• what is your birthday?: Dec 4 1985
• current age?: 19
• do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Not currently
• how tall are you?: 4'11.5" (that half is very important)
• shoe size?: 6
• brothers/sisters?: older sister, younger sister
• job?: college student, pt receptionist @ BPUC in HKy

• what is your favorite band?: hmmm...
• color?: blue
• soda?: Cheerwine, what else?
• music? most anything
• stores in the mall?: not big on the mall
• ice cream?: so long as it's not plain chocolate
• roller coaster?: space mountain
• candy?: gummy bears (Haribro Gold)
• cd?: impossible to decide
• cookies?: snickerdoodle or thin mint
• juice?: apple cider
• holiday?: any fall or winter holiday
• month?: november i guess

in the last 48 hours:
• cried?: yes, over students moving
• missed someone?: yes
• yelled at someone?: nope
• changed your underwear?: twice actually
• drove somewhere?: yup-internship and clothesline
• talked to someone on the phone?: yup
• been online?: now that's a trick question. how else would i be doing this?
• smiled?: i've been very smiley
• had sex?: no
• kissed someone?: no
• hugged someone?: yes
• last thing you ate?: apple pie
• talked to an ugly person?: not someone who looked ugly, but to someone who acted ugly

have you ever:
• been in love?: i'm not sure anymore, but i thought i was
• been in trouble with the police?: never
• hit someone?: yes
• broke something?: lots of somethings
• betrayed a friend?: that's horrible
• played strip poker?: no, it's not me
• skipped school?: i've thought about it and been really tempted, but so far haven't
• stole something?: hasn't this already been asked?
• shot a gun?: no
• smoked weed?: nope
• dyed your hair?: yeah and it looked pretty good

okay last questions:
• what is sitting next to you?: my pillows on the left and pet sematary case on the right
• do you get along with your mother?: i guess
• favorite sport?: i don't do sports
• are you gay/lesbian/bi/straight? straight
• been in a plane?: nope, how sad
• killed someone?: nope
• slept during class?: once in physical science...and i felt bad for it
• cheated on a test?: no, but i elementary school, i'd let people cheat so they'd be my friend:(
• what time is it now?: 11:21 and i should be in bed
• are you tired?: YES
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