The article this time is really short, I promise. XD Sorry for the long delay, but here's chapter 2.
He talks a little bit more about REDEMPTION and the collaboration with FF7. ^^ I hope you'll enjoy the article~
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Interesting... Something came up in my mind when I read this. I was reading into Lao Tze a couple of months ago (ancient Chinese philosopher ^^;;) and one thing that I always remembered(more for the hilarity of it than the wisdom, I have to confess) was this saying. "Achieve everything by doing nothing." ^____^
G: Yes, that’s right. I think that’s one’s normal form. What you discover after being driven to a corner and what you do with that discovery afterwards is very important. In short, you come to realize something from it: your weakness. And you can determine the ones who really held out their hands to help you and the extent to which their genuine love saves you. You’ll know clearly who your enemy is and who your friend is as well. All that really comes down to how you will react when you are truly cornered.
Very true. In moments of desperation, and with only seconds to act, you will only act on your truest basest instinct. And in that one moment, a lot of things can be revealed.
I: You already talked about the concept for the other album and novel, etc. for the MOON project during the press conference of (“DIABOLOS”) album. What about those?
G: It’s still going. It’s taking some time though. Novels really take a lot of time. I can never be a novelist, definitely. I admire those novelists; it’s a very lonely (lifestyle), isn’t it? Isolated geniuses.
I: Gackt-san seems like such a person too.
G: There are times when I want to live the life of a novelist, but because it’s the ultimate loneliness… (laughs together) It’s a conflict because I do love being alone though I’m afraid of it. I think it’s due to such an unbalance that I can come up with something creative.
Ah, I know this feeling ^^;; There are times, when I want nothing more and enjoy nothing else than being alone for hours at a time. But I get scared too at the same time. Not wanting the presence of your closest friends but enjoying one's own company, isn't that weird and scary? But sometimes, it's rather nice to have people wanting to drag you out from your little hole and take you to the nearest, noisiest club, ne? And yet, once you're there, you want nothing more than to be home.
Writers have my utmost respect. The ability to storytell, the ability to craft a world with all its history, and its inhabitants and their lives out of nothing but mere words; it's a gift. I guess, Gackt is a storyteller too. He does it in a different way, through his music, but nevertheless, there is a story to be told, and a message to be passed on to those hearing it. Books are the same thing, isn't it? You can simply enjoy a book, without all the complications and the morals of the story to be learned, or, you can analyse and go into the story in detail, and come out with a better understanding of what the story was trying to get across to its reader. His music is like that too. You can simply enjoy his songs, and take them as just what they are, great songs. Or, you can delve into each song, see the world he is creating in each one,and how each song connects to another, and ultimately, understand the point he is trying to get across.
I'm rambling again. Anyway, thank you for the translation :) Your passion and drive amazes me, and I have only the highest respect for you.
Ahh, I understand how that feels~ It's hard to reach a balance between the two, isn't it? ^^; I think I managed to find it though, by choosing to hang out with only the ones who I really like and enjoy the company of. :3 These thoughts come to me only when I'm with a bunch of people I'm not very close with. Though I enjoy myself with them, I count the minutes till I can say byebye and go back to the comfort of my house. ^^; Hmm, maybe that's why I only have a few close friends with me and they share the same interests as I do.
Gackt tells a story... through his music and through his words. He is a brillian storyteller. ^^ Ahh, you see, that's what I love about his works. That there is something deeper to be discovered in each of his works. I am particular in that sense. For the things I like, be it movie, books or songs, there has to be an important lesson or viewpoint that they are trying to show. I feel like my time has been wasted if I don't learn anything from it. I seek something more than simple pleasure. :D Piecing everything together to form the big picture is where the challenge lies~~ ;D
You are most welcome!! :D and thanks... *blush* ^^
Sorry, going a bit off topic XD
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