The article this time is really short, I promise. XD Sorry for the long delay, but here's chapter 2.
He talks a little bit more about REDEMPTION and the collaboration with FF7. ^^ I hope you'll enjoy the article~
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[number] = more explanation of the sentence below
xxx = more detailed explanations
[xxx] = what I felt a certain part of the sentence meant
(xxx) = other meanings of the word or literal translations or missing word/words not specifically mentioned. For e.g. The fans screamed when (Gackt and his band members) entered the stadium! Read it like you will a normal sentence.
=xxx= = real brackets used in the interview
Expect(ation) of 2006
Long interview
The curtains of 2006 opened with the live in Korea Olympic Park on 14 January. And on the 25th, the new single, “REDEMPTION”, was released and made the theme song for the Play station 2 game, “DIRGE of CERBERUS - FINAL FANTASY VII-”. The second song that was released (in the single), “LONGING”, also became the theme song for the same game. Furthermore, Gackt appeared in this game as a major character. It’s different from the usual motion capture technique that has been used till now, instead they used an epochal method with Square Enix’s latest CG technology to film Gackt live and merge him into the game. I wonder how far the collaborations will extend for Gackt in the year 2006.
"It’s not during those times which showcase our true ability, but during the times we’ve fallen down to the bottom."
I: (What are your plans for) 2006?
G: First of all, Asia tour.
I: You are referring to the concert in Korea?
G: For a start.
I: Hmm? You will continue from there?
G: I’ll be doing other tours too. Well, do look forward to it. (Korea) is the preview. It will be great if Korea can succeed as the first. (laughs)
I: The single will also be released on 25 January. This collaboration is not as simple as providing the soundtrack; you even attended the press conference during your tour. You are really taking on a lot of (projects), aren’t you?
G: Nothing like that at all. I’m just… a poor man with free time in my hand. (laughs)
I: Eh, that isn’t convincing at all. (laughs along). Game and music. Two totally different categories, but this collaboration crosses over (that boundary). How do you feel after trying it out?
G: You can say it’s experimenting (lit. trying), or a discovery of interesting presenting methods. I’ve always wanted to do something like that. This time it is one of my ways of finding (new) expression methods. I’m looking for staff who can do something new. I think a part of it is to find (new) companions who can do more interesting stuff. Well, this is only the beginning though. Plenty of things to come yet.
I: REDEMPTION, which was made such a theme song, gives a hopeless and dejected feeling while challenging (others to) fight at the same time. I felt that it is a song which gives such a pained feeling.
G: I think it’s sort of like a projection of our own selves, but it’s not during those times which showcase our true ability. (lit. true value, real worth). It’s (a projection of us) when we are in difficulty and struggling, and when we’ve fallen down to the bottom. And later it shows how far and in what way we are driven to a corner. That’s what I think. But to begin with, humans won’t be able to push themselves to such corners by themselves. So they are able to experience (certain things) for the first time because they are cornered by someone else. That’s (when they show) their original form. [1]
[1] As he goes back to the first point of showcasing one’s true ability. When cornered, our real capabilities surface; and it’s mostly pushed by someone else
I: Could it be that the character in this song was also pushed to the utmost limit?
G: Yes, that’s right. I think that’s one’s normal form. What you discover after being driven to a corner and what you do with that discovery afterwards is very important. In short, you come to realize something from it: your weakness. And you can determine the ones who really held out their hands to help you and the extent to which their genuine love saves you. You’ll know clearly who your enemy is and who your friend is as well. All that really comes down to how you will react when you are truly cornered.
I: I see. Did you… include magic before the second chorus?
G: ……Magic?
I: This “pirorin” sound [1] (you hear) when you use magic in FFVII.
[1] He said “pirorin” in katakana, and it seems to sound like a wind-chime.
G: Hahaha (laughs) I didn’t include that, I think it just sounds like it. (laughs) You are observant. You play?
I: Yeah, well~ So it’s not that you captured it (on purpose), right?
G: No, no (smiles) that came out naturally when we were making the instrumental part. A coincidence.
I: The second song, “LONGING”, has a heavier and darker tone than the first song. It gives a very strong image and I was pulled into the song the moment I heard it. The song has such a draw to it. And the voice, as well as the background… What’s that method (of recording) called?
G: I’m obsessed with it recently; it’s something like ‘edit mixing’ using Pro Tools. [1] For something like this, you make a normal melody and distort it rapidly. The main point is to drop the pitch without dropping the tempo, like the way a broken CD sounds. I like that (effect).
[1] According to
Nanani, Pro Tools is a mixing software. :D Thanks~!
I: The digital work produces a very warped time space in this song.
G: That effect is very mysterious. When you listen to normal music, there is a rhythm to it, right? If you destroy the rhythm, the music breaks easily too. But if you can make the rhythm sound like it’s broken without actually breaking it, it will create a very unbalanced music. Though it’s not broken, it sounds as if it is. That’s really great.
I: You feel like the world is distorted. And that distorted feeling fans the mystery [1] even more.
[1] (lit. feel chilly, shudder, thrill) I chose the word that gives rise to these feelings instead for the translation. It’s as if you are scared, but at the same time excited at the thought of stepping into the unknown…
G: It’s great that you can think of it that way. I think I’ll be using that kind of method more from now on.
I: One question about a phrase in the lyrics. Something like “eternal peace” doesn’t exist in this world, right?
G: Un. Well, I don’t know how others will perceive it. I do have it; that “eternal peace’ is here. But I leave that to the feelings of those who have read the lyrics.
I: The world that is depicted in the song is also one which is in the brink of a battle?
G: The two songs are connected this time round. What you do after you’ve determined (something). The two songs are like opposites.
I: Were you looking forward to this game collaboration?
G: Yes, I’m looking forward to my appearance in the game.
I: What is your character like?
G: I can’t say it yet. (smiles) The FFVII team will get mad at me. But I think it’s interesting because the real shots of me will be appearing in the CG world along with the CG characters. This is a test and an indication of the possibilities in games in the future.
I: All the fans seem to be looking forward to it too.
G: Probably. Because in this one project (lit. work), I’ll be entering the game (for real) myself, and that’s like a forecast of how games might turn out to be in the future. But this is not the complete form. The FFVII staff plans to make use of this opportunity to try something new. It might take even longer if I weren’t the one doing it, so I believe it’s also a matter of timing, of me (coming in).
I: So you mean it’s not just Gackt-san, but also the game makers who are seeking something new?
G: (They’ve) always been searching. This game industry is really difficult. If you come in your 40s, you’ll be treated like an old man. It’s an unbelievable world. There are plenty of geniuses amongst the 20s so you’ll feel like you can’t follow, in which case you’ll be made to retire for sure. In a certain sense, they are stricter than us. Our (career) term is slightly longer, but for them it doesn’t matter if they have built their career for an entire period, most of them become people of the past in two or three years time. Which is why they are all worried, and they want to move ahead (of others) quickly. Those who create something new have greater power, for example, those who can expand their imagination. [1] That is why everyone is struggling to not be defeated in that.
発想力 was the original word. It’s something like idea, expression or conceptualization, etc. The ability to express your imagination. I used “to expand their imagination” because you’ll need to come up with even more creative stuff to be at the top of the pack; like he said in the previous sentence, those who create something new have greater power.
"This is just a hunch, but I feel like I will do collaborations with a lot of musicians."
I: And for yourself, what do you think influences your way of expanding your imagination?
G: Everyone wants to get hold of information and observe various things, right? But doing such a thing dulls my senses. Everybody tells me to cram all sorts of things into my mind, and check the television and what’s popular currently. But that is a huge mistake. In televisions and stuff, the creative things aren’t the ones (being shown) at that point in time. At the very least, it was first made a year before. The only concepts that we see now are the ones that were already over. If you watch that and go after it, I believe it will lead to an even greater time difference. So those people who chases after the popularity of that time will not be able to create anything new. That is why I don’t have a television at home.
I: You don’t have any?
G: No. What I have is only a screen to watch movies.
I: What about information input then?
G: I don’t do that. I don’t do it in order to heighten my senses. I think when something suddenly comes to mind, it comes with the ability to make us accept it.
Literal translation, I’m not sure what exactly this one means. In a way, it’s like making ourselves accept whatever comes to mind. @@;
I: Not having anything in your mind frees your imagination. (lit. doesn’t restrain , restrict or limit)
G: Exactly. Everyone takes in too much. They take in too much of the things people pass (around).
I: You didn’t watch television at all either when you were young?
G: No, I didn’t. Though I went to my friend’s house at times to watch television.
I: I see~
G: I think that is why my power of concentration is stronger than anybody else’s. For the things you read of your own volition, like novels or manga, it requires a stronger power of concentration than going to watch a movie. That is why I’m good in games which require a high power of concentration. I’m really good. In terms of focusing (our mind), I’ll never lose to anyone.
I: Since when did you have this ability?
G: Since young, when it comes to focusing. So I’m very much aware of when I am focusing or not. I’ll daydream normally. I’ll smoke and sit in the sofa and stay like that for close to six hours. Whaa~ So much that you’ll wonder whether I’m alive or not. (laughs) During such times, it might seem like I’m daydreaming, but a lot of things are going through my mind. So I’m actually focusing on the thoughts. It only seems like I’m daydreaming because I’m not moving. I’m like a genius in a sense. If you categorize it broadly…… an idiot!?
I: Bwahahaha! (laughs) And what other activities are you planning for year 2006?
G: I think I will be doing lives for the first half and probably recording for the second half.
I: You already talked about the concept for the other album and novel, etc. for the MOON project during the press conference of (“DIABOLOS”) album. What about those?
G: It’s still going. It’s taking some time though. Novels really take a lot of time. I can never be a novelist, definitely. I admire those novelists; it’s a very lonely (lifestyle), isn’t it? Isolated geniuses.
I: Gackt-san seems like such a person too.
G: There are times when I want to live the life of a novelist, but because it’s the ultimate loneliness… (laughs together) It’s a conflict because I do love being alone though I’m afraid of it. I think it’s due to such an unbalance that I can come up with something creative.
I: And last, what kind of meetings are you hoping for in the year 2006?
G: This is just a hunch, but I feel like I will do collaborations (lit. go hand in hand) with a lot of musicians. For my goals. Basically, there isn’t any Japanese artist that I’m close with. Because I hate this musician occupation. There are only such people who are irresponsible and spend money recklessly. [1] You lose spirit when you talk to them because they aren’t talks with any future in it. That is why I feel I can give these people goals. (lit. dreams) I feel as if I can propose to them, “let’s do something like this.” This is just a hunch so I don’t know it if will happen. There aren’t any reasons for it, just a feeling that it might happen.
[1] Literally, Gackt used the words “‘I have money’ syndrome” >.> which can also refer to the people who earns lots of money but doesn’t put them to good use. I chose to translate it this way because he said in the previous article that artists spend money frivolously.
Original text by: Sachie Tojo
Translated by: Sweiled
Own comments:
I like what he said about REDEMPTION~ In a way, I do think that humans have unlimited potentials, you just have to find the key to open it. When pushed under certain circumstances, strength comes from within us and we'll have the courage and energy to fight back. I guess humans are born survivors after all~ I believe even the weakest and seemingly insignificant beings have the power to make a difference. One simply needs to find the key to unlock it. ^^ Never forget to "believe". Even when we are at the depths of despair and all seems dark, believe that there is still some good left in this world. Believe that this situation will not last and things will get better. We can't predict the pace of change, but it will come eventually.
Though of course, it's not necessarily only courage, strength and the like which surfaces when you are cornered. Somtimes the exact opposite occurs and you lose the strength you thought you have. It's rather scary when you think about it. What is your price? What will make you betray your faith and beliefs...? Money? Fame? Reputation? Family? Friends? Love?
I: I see. Did you... include magic before the second chorus?
G: ......Magic?
XD;; I like how he paused as if giving it considerable thought before asking again, "Magic?" I can just picture him digesting that information and musing over it silently. XDD
I love what he did in LONGING. 0__0 That song is absolutely great~ And especially the part where his voice goes back to normal, it gives an even stronger impact. It hits you hard and takes your breath away. WHOA~
Eternal peace... I think it exists. :D
In~nteresting what he said about television. :3 That has never occured to me before, but it's really quite true. All the TV shows, dramas, movies, etc., are filmed months and years before. It's a part of the past and not the future, not even the present. I feel from personal experience that the emptier your mind is, the greater your imagination will be. Reading too many things influences the way I think and makes me want to copy it. Without me realizing, my ideas start to revolve around the same theme and I can't break free from it. Hmmmm. Most interesting. :3 *introspects* XD
:O I do that often too. When I'm in the car, I'll look outside and start thinking about a lot of things. I've never done it for more than half an hour or so though, so I can't imagine doing it for six hours. XD Mine usually comes when I'm travelling or walking alone. My thinking mode, I call it. XD I enjoy those moments muchly because I always feel peaceful inside. It's like letting all the bad and negative thoughts out, though I'm in fact thinking about them. :D
I was rather taken aback when he talked about the other musicians. ^^; Then I thought again, it's rather similar to what he said previously about empty minds, doesn't it? It's easier to convince someone if they have no opinions on it before.
I'm looking forward to seeing what other plans he has in mind. ^^
It's interesting to see the number of people who commented on the previous article about him coming to Singapore. =^^= *starts stalking them* XD