Oricon Interview

Sep 14, 2005 21:06

The Oricon Style interview is up. ^^ I can't view the comment (I can only hear bits and pieces of it) properly, so if anyone can cut it and upload, it will be much appreciated. m(_ _)m

That picture on top is... *-* Hoooo, yeah~~~~ I think it really suits him and fits the image I have of DIABOLOS as well. Why do I have the feeling that he took this shot right after he undid his braids/cornrows? XD

And I was itching to translate the article, but that is Jeanne's "department", so I'll leave that to her. XD I'll just pick out some main points which I find most interesting and translate it briefly.

The meaning of "DIABOLOS":
It doesn't mean "devil", but the darkness deep in people's (heart); the sadness and negativity; those (feelings) hidden on the opposite side of happiness and love... "DIABOLOS" is a symbol of such a "darkside".

Heeeeee, I think that was most interesting. ^^ And it is quite true as well, if you look at the singles adn songs which he has released. Not the fact that they are evil, but the feelings normally associated with the "dark side".

And there was one part after that where they talked about some movie he has watched recently. And he said he watched one which made him cry. It turned out to be "いま、会いにゆきます" (ai ni yukimasu)!!! :D :D :D I personally find that movie to be very good and touching as well. So much so that I bought the novel. ^^;; I even recommended it to everyone on my private journal. XD Like he said, very amazing love story. It's just impossible to not be touched by it. Highly recommended.

And I agree with him, the acting is WOW. *o* Simple yet he manages to express all the emotions. It's just... *shiver*


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