
Sep 04, 2005 02:33

Gackt was asked to recommend some songs again, by Oricon Style this time. They asked 6 artists who likes to drive to recommend 5 songs each. Gackt selected the following songs:

Gackt - "届カナイ愛ト知ッテイタノニ抑エキレズニ愛シ続ケタ..." (Todokanai Ai to Shitteita noni Osaekirezuni Aishitsudzuketa...)
Craig David - "Born To Do it"
BJORK - "Post" and "Debut"

That was interesting. Other than him, only the two female singers chose songs which are not in Japanese. And yes, he is the only one who recommended his own song. XD It's really great to see how much he likes the song though. I personally think 届カナイ愛ト知ッテイタノニ抑エキレズニ愛シ続ケタ... is a good choice. ^^


And I think some of you would have known by now, Oricon Style (again) held a "イイ男ランキング" and the results have been released. Readers vote in for who they think is the best "good man" artist. There were 9 different categories, and Gackt came in second in total. ^^

He was ranked first under the categories of "謎めいたところが魅力のアーティスト" (Mysterious/enigmatic) and "セクシーさが魅力のアーティスト" (sexiness). And came in second under "知的な雰囲気がカッコイイ" (intellectual 'feel'), "ファッションセンスがカッコイイ" (fashion sense) "ライフスタイルがカッコイイアーティスト" (lifestyle). Very very loosely translated.

I think he scored huge on the sexy/body part. And I'm happy he scored on the "intellectual 'feel'" category. :D About time they recognize that. (雰囲気 funiki: atmosphere; mood; ambience) In case any of you were wondering what "intellectual 'feel'" means... ^^;;

There was an article on it by Yahoo!ニュース a while ago. Oh, and the one who got first was 福山雅治 (Fukuyama Masaharu), and Ken Hirai was third.

Let me just say I still prefer Gackt waaaay much though. XD

Edit: Er, because a lot of people seems to be interested in who the man who was ranked first is, here's a site which has his pictures. http://ent.qq.com/a/20040615/000086.htm Look familiar? ^^


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