(no subject)

Feb 17, 2009 16:38


It's been a few weeks since Mark has kissed me. and damn i haven't been able to concentrate ever since.And who the hell does he think he is????? the guy just showed up, woke me up no technically i woke up on my own but still. and tell me that he wants and he's been thinking about me for a while now. God and those kisses. Damn the guy knows how to kiss, he 's an incredible kisser, perfect lips. i don't need to knwo what he can in the bed field.OK Lexie you gotta stop thinking about Mark Sloan and his lips and abs and hands, damn i would never thought that his hands would be soft and firm at the same time. He's got the whole package. Extremely handsome, well they don't call him McSteamy for nothing, renowned plastic surgeon in the country.OK Lexie again stop, concentrate on those charts, you have to update them to Dr Yang. Yeah start thinking about her and how she would kill you if the work is not done.Lexie shook her head and started writing on the charts.
As Lexie was wriitng, Mark, Owen ,Derek and the Chief came and started looking at the surgical board and talking about it.
Lexie didn't need to raise her head up to notice that Mark was there and to feel his eyes on her.Ohh and his beautiful blues eyes. it's even really blue. it's mixed with grey and it's gorgeous. Damn when he's not there i can't concentrate and when he's there with all his dirtiness and hotness i can't even think.
Lexie think about Dr Yang. think about her, think about her, and no don't even think to look at Mark Sloan. don't do it girl. Don't give in to temptation.Lexie was battling with her mind and her heart.
Even though her mind told her not to raise her head up, she acted against it and her brown eyes met his blues-grey's eyes.
Mark was looking at her with so much passion and lust and damn she knows that she wants to give in to the man.
No Lex, don't it, you have a wonderful boyfriend, who's nice, kind and besides you love him. So why you still looking at Mark Sloan straight in the eyes??? Lexie wondered.
"ohhh Damn i'm so screwed" Lexie thought.
The youger Grey was so much in her thoughts that she didn't hear Her resident Christina Yang coming.
"Three" Yang called.
"...."Lexie was too busy with Mark doing eye-sexthat she didn't anwser
"Three, Three" Christina yelled and at this moment Lexie noticed her.
"hummm yes Dr Yang" answered a flushed Lex
"i've been calling you, and you weren't paying attention. are you done with those charts"Christina asked while texting.
ohhh damn the charts, i haven't finished one yet. once again i'm screwed. and all because of Mark Sloan.
"Dr Yang, it's not that i haven't finished......yet, well it's just that it's taking a lot more time that i thought you know, but i think i'm almost done. no i know that i'm almost done." rambled Lexie
Christina looked at lexie and noticed her flushed cheeks for the first time
" oh my goodness i cannot believe this three!!!!" exclamed Yang
"what??? Dr Yang. what's wrong??? i can assure that the work would be donne before you know it"
" No you've been having sex instead of doing charts. that's why you are all hot and bothered. you're cheeks are all flushed"
"NO,NO,NO, NEVER. i would never put sex before your work. i would never do that i can assure you. i am not lying. i haven't had sex since......"
"ok stop right there Three, i don't need to know your sex life, especially with Bambi.it's an outrage in the society" Christina cut her off
"well three you know what, you better be done with those charts before...."
before Christina could finished her sentence, mark came in
"Good Morning Dr Yang. Can i borrow your intern Dr Grey for my Rhinoplasty procedure please???? the surgeon asked
that was the first time, that Lexie was wishing not to go to the OR to day especially with Mark Sloan in it. God please i'm begging you i wanna do charts today, all day long. Lexie was doing a little prayer inside
"Well take her, Dr Sloan, she's all yours" Christina answered and and left
"thank you Dr Yang" repliead Mark while looking at Lexie.
Lexie wanted to run and hide because once again she's screwed.
"i didn't mean to eavedrop but i've heard what you were about to say Dr Yang." said Mark
"what are you talking about"
" well you haven't had sex since a longtime is that right" as he were saying this, they hopped together in the elevator.
"well i was lying" good to go girl she thought to herself
''ohhh really" Mark smirked. "Let's me see about that"and he pushed emergency button
"What are you doing for God's sake???''ohh my, an elevator with mark sloan and nobody in it equal problems
As Lexie was thinking about this, Mark lift her up with his strong arms, her legs around his waist, his head close to hers, lips with an inch apart and nose brushing
"i can feel you getting hot for me, and i'm not really touching you" Mard said
"no i'm not . i'm not getting wet, not wet not hot you. i'm only like this for georges"Lexie replied
" well first of all Bambi is not here, and second of all you're telling me one thing but your eyes and body is telling me that it wants me."
"you're wrong, you are totally wrong. my body and my mind is telling the same damn thing for god's sake. only georges can get me all hot and bothered. I won't dirty hot things with you. no freaking way"
" you really want to go there."
Mark started sucking and licking slowly her earlobe, and he was continuing his path to her neck. that give shivers to Lewie and a little moan came out of her mouth and hearing that Mark give the same treatment to the other earlobe.Lexie couldn't take it anymore, her breathing was increasing and she wants to kiss him.
But Mark whispered to her ear"Baby no other man can give you the amount of pleasure that i'm giving you right now and and what i can give you later if you want of course"
And with that he let her legs go down to the floor, and reactivate the elevator again.As he was doing this, Lexie was still flushed and bothered and she couldn't believe that he found her weak spot: the one behind her earlobe.
Even georges hasn't found it yet.
The elevaotr doors opened and mark got out and said
"Well Dr Grey, the procedure is at 4pm, it gives you plenty of time to get ready and to regain your thoughts after our elevartor time spent together " being said he winked at her and went to the cafeteria.
Lexie decided to stay in the elevator and said to herself
"Well once again you are so so screwed Alexandria Caroline Grey. Way to go girl" and pondered how on earth she will get through the surgery with Mark in the OR.
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