(no subject)

Feb 17, 2009 16:36


As Mark were kissing her, he found Lexie kissing him back and damn she was a good kisser. His tongue was slowly tracing the contourn of her lips and begin for entrance that she gave immediatly.Mark would have never thought Lexie would be reciprocating his kiss.Their tongues were duelling for domination..
As Mark started to pull her more towards him, he finds Lexie pulling him back and staring at him with shock and surprise but as the same time he took his time to look at her swollen lips which are more pinker than ever. damnit that that woman is sexy even when she doesn't want to be.
"why did you kiss me Dr Sloan??? asked Lexie.
"you really need to know why i did wht i did????"
" yes, i mean it's really i don't know innapropriate, i mean not it's inappropriate Dr Sloan, but it just that i'm already with...... said Lexie.
But Mark stopped by placing his fingers on her lips.
"First of all i think after this very good kiss we can call each other by our given names and second of all i well aware of the fact that you're with that dwarf." smirked Mark
"well that dwarf has a name and it's Georges and yes we are dating. so if you know that why on earth did you kiss me for God's sake???"
"you're asking me that question again??? you know for an intelligent and beautiful woman Lexie Grey you can be really oblivious."
Ohhh my goodness Mark Sloan thought that i was intelligent and beautiful. Georges never told those words. i don 't even think no i'm sure that he doesn't think of me that way. Because let's face it i don't have the tannskin like Torres and her curly raven long black hair, and i don't have Izzie's figures with her big boobs and blond Hair like Barbie. And about Addison, i've only seen her once and for what i heard i can understand why they call her McHot. But me i'm more a simple girl with straight hair, brown eyes, porcelain skin and normal clothes. So hearing from a man like Dr Sloan that i'm intellingent and beautiful that's something.and damn that man is an amzing kisser. ok Alexandria Caroline Grey stop thinking about the amn's lips for god's sake and keep talking to him
" What do you mean i'm oblivious????"i'm not oblivious no no not at all. i'm just asking a question because you know that i know that it's kinda strange not strange but....." rambled Lexie but Mark has stopped her by pulling towards him by the neck and kissing her firmly on lips. Even though Mark finds her rambling quite sexy and as a part of her charm he deides otherwise and kissed her.
That kiss was more passionate than the first one, and he was laying her on bed with him on top of her. Unfortunatly, oxygen was needed and Mark had to pull back.Her face was so beautiful he tought. Like an angel, her skin is soft and divine like a china porcelain. and her eyes are not really dark brown like he thought. they were a mixture with olive and brown and that color was being accentued with the light coming from the window.
His deep blues geys eyes were staring at mine and the way he was looking at me with so passion and lust was giving some butterflies in my stomach and was bothering her at the same time. Lexie thought.
" I know i'm not good at expressing my feelings and i'm not really good at relationship i do have a track record with women." as Mark was saying this, he was stoking his cheek and brushing his nose to hers. and his eyes looking straight to hers.
"But what i do know it's that i want you, i've been thinking about you a lot these past few weeks. And i know that i don't have the right to tell you that because you're with that idiot. But i do know that if you give me the green light, i know and i'm sure that i'll screw up that's what i do best but i also know that i'll treat you right. i know that you feel something for me because if you didn't you wouldn't have kissed me back the way you did.
i'll wait for you as long as you need. but please choose me that's all i'm asking.'' Lark finished with a light kiss on the lips and on her forehead and left a dumbfounded and shocked Lexie in the on call room with her fingers on her lips trying to retrace the kisses that they shared.
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