golden, deafening, consent

Jan 24, 2015 19:36

silence is
rating: pg-13
characters: Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor
warnings: graphic depiction of violence and injuries

summary: They give her a name that says, you will always be alone, that says, no one will care for you.

She knows the truth: when you scream, no one will come for you.

They break her hands in Brazil and she is silent.

Sweden is a frozen bay, two hostages to save and ice that gives way under her feet to leave her struggling to breathe, working for every stressed syllable she gives instructions with to the terrified mother and daughter. But she does not cry out.

There are footsteps in France, an unexpected bullet in her shoulder and three flights down the staircase, and she moans as she drifts through consciousness - then hates herself for it.

The Red Room leaves the Black Widow with a voice to speak their words, spread their poison, and teaches her a lesson ground into her soul.

She is an able student and learns all too willingly.

No one comes.

There is dust and debris in Des Moines, concrete crushing her side and gasping breaths that don’t fill her lungs. Something pins her knee at an angle that makes it ache, a warning that she has done too much damage and movement will push it past repair; something else has struck her head, leaving fresh blood to run along her jaw and into her mouth.

“This is Romanoff,” she whispers, a step above soundlessness. “Requesting assistance.”

Then they’re there on the comm, voices flowing above and around each other, an instant reassurance that Tony’s on his way and Clint will try to salvage a Quinjet, that Thor and Hulk will finish off the remaining warriors while Rogers directs the civilians. Caught in the cocoon of their words, cradled and comforted by the knowledge that she is not alone, Natasha waits for her team.

And the Avengers come.

drabble, bruce banner, avengers, clint barton, tony stark, thor, natasha romanoff, steve rogers

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