honor amongst thieves

Oct 13, 2013 11:54

strays like us (have got to stick together)
rating: PG
characters: Phil Coulson, Director Fury
warnings: brief language
author's note: Title adapted from Kelly Clarkson's People Like Us.

summary: The adoption of Natasha Romanoff.

“She’s not a puppy, Coulson. You don’t just pick up an enemy operative because she followed your agent home!”

“He offered her immunity in exchange for switching sides. She’s a valuable asset we can use, sir.”

“Use? The Black Widow? We already have a full team of lawyers dedicated to cleaning up after you and Barton. Anyone else who joins your team is bound to be trouble.” Fury rose slowly, fingers braced on his polished desk as he leaned over it. “Romanoff practically screams it. In fact, I’m sure a fair number of her victims have screamed it. And now you’re negotiating for her to join SHIELD. Tell me why I keep you around?”

“Because I’m so pretty.” Coulson gave him a thin smile to accompany the quip. “You knew from day one I’d be trouble though, sir. I never figured out how. All my training marks were stellar; none of my instructors had a clue.”

Fury gave him a one-eyed stare that had made lesser men and women cry, calling his bullshit.

“Your role model, icon, and all-time hero is Captain America, and he wasn’t exactly known for following orders. Some kind of soldier.”

“He did what was right.” It was offered simply, as if that was reason enough.

For them, perhaps it was.

“I know. Why do you think I let you stay?” The Director sighed, straightening and rubbing his forehead. With his relenting, the underlying tension ebbed from the room. “She’s your problem. She makes a mess, I don’t want to hear about it. Bodies, political situations, Barton - I don’t care. But if she fucks things up-” and he pointed a finger at Coulson, sole eyebrow rising, “I won’t hesitate to put her down.”

“Understood.” The dismissal was clear, and the agent paused with his hand on the door handle, smiling. “I’d say it wouldn’t be an issue, but I don’t like to lie.”

“A habit I appreciate,” Fury drawled. Coulson glanced at him, amused, and let himself out of the office. The other man snorted, shaking his head as he looked out over the unsuspecting city. “This… is going to be interesting.”

Soon enough, Strike Team Delta lived up to his words.


phil coulson, strike team delta, natasha romanoff, avengers, director fury, clint barton

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