yesterday, my family and yana's family went out to eat dinner at a restaurant. i ordered chicken shish-kabob with rice, but i hardly ate any of it because my stomache really hurt. when my dad was ordering, he asked the waiter
the only breast you have is chicken?
and i wanted to dig a hole and bury myself. all the adults were laughing and making all these stupid jokes that weren't funny. our waiter looked like a math tutor and yana and i kept text messaging each other about the adults at the table. haha. there was also a cute boy there, i think. i wasn't close enough to confirm it. yana and i got bored really quickly, so we went to sit in her mercedes (big pimpin') and listened to music and talked.
she has this friend named mark, whom i know because he used to go to my school. he's a year younger than me, as is yana, and i don't like him 'cause he hated me for no apparent reason. anyway, she decided that we should prank-call him and i could pretend to be this girl he met at a party. after half an hour of convincing me, i finally gave in and we did it. we spent the entire time laughing our asses off.
mark: hello
me: hi
mark: hi
me: hi
mark: hi
me: hi... who is this?
mark: mark
me: oh, ok. hi
mark: hi
me: do you have anything else to say?
mark: well, usually, you're the one who's supposed to say something.
me: well, i guess this is an exception then.
mark: i guess so.
me: well, continue.
mark: umm.. haha, who is this?
me: ashley
mark: who's ashley?
me: me
mark: do you go to richmond hill high school?
me: no, i go to westmount *lie*
mark: oh, do you know brittany mainprize?
me: yeah *i actually do, she's a bitch*
mark: *asks some question about brittany*
me: well, i don't actually know her, i've just heard of her
mark: oh, how do you know me?
me: i met you at a party
mark: whose party?
me: amy's
mark: which one were you?
me: the one named ashley
mark: i don't remember talking to anyone named ashley
me: well, i didn't exactly meet you, i just, you know, saw you there
mark: ok. so why'd you call me?
me: you know, just to say hi.
mark: how'd you get my number?
me: i found it
mark: where?
me: you know, in the phone book
mark: that's a lie because this is my cell phone number. how'd you find my cell phone number in the phone book?
*at this point, we are peeing our pants*
me: ok, well, i found it on the floor
mark: on the floor?
me: yeah, it was written in red ink on this crumpled piece of paper and i was like, 'hey, i know this guy, i should give him a call'
mark: ok, well, i'm kind of busy right now, so can you call me later?
me: what are you doing?
mark: you know, chilling
me: ok, chilling.
mark: yeah, so can you call me later?
me: i'd love to. alright.
mark: alright, thanks
me: thank you
my throat hurts and i still haven't started my major history project due tomorrow. that can't be good.