Sep 28, 2006 08:06
I got my domain! all i have in an under construction page whenever i get the main part of my site up (the dolling and pixel part) I'll post link. Unless you really want to see the under construction page. lol. It kinda gives a hint of what the new layout will look like but not really. And I'm also changing the name of my site. So it's no longer Midnight Dreams. It's not Ferum Quercetum which is latin for Wild Oak Forest. the Terrena Animula lives in the Ferum Quercetum. lol.
I have 2 minutes before I have to leave to go put on shoes, put on hoodie, get iPod, cell phone, and book bag and purse to go start walking down the road to get to my bus stop and wait for the bus. *sigh*
Also, my mom ordered me a tablet last night! Yay! That makes me happy. I might try making an oracle card on it. Which is part of Me and Amber's joint work project for Deviant Art. I've still yet to start drawing something. I probably won't until I at least get up the dolls and pixels up on my site. Then I will have to create new layouts for other sections of me site. So yea.
Now I must take my leave. I don't want to miss the bus because I am being lazy and don't want to tie shoe strings so I ma going to wear heels even though I'm wearing jeans that are short enough to wear tennis shoes. so Yea...later PEACE!