Oct 15, 2005 13:02
i need an ipod....the new ones are so pretty....and i can finally get a black one...for like 399.......and i can pay as little as 9 bucks a month...... which means i could pay it off in like....ummm...4 years.....and i would probably die after like 2ish or less anyway.......
on top of that i just looked up plane tickets to amsterdam for spring of next year....and they are only like 330.......and i really wanna go back......
i think i'm gonna apply to do this thing call "teach for america" when i graduate......its a program where they place you in a low income area in the US and they train you to be a real teacher and you get standard teachers salary for wherever you are and teach kids how to read at the level they are supposed to read at..and they pay for you to get your masters while you do it....its something to do after college without having to jump into grad school right away, and its great experience......
i need to take a shower and go to the library before work...but i'm so happy in bed under my kick ass feather comforter...all alone cause my roommate is un pittsburgh... listening to dane cook and shopping for trips and ipods and things i cant afford...naked....yeah. thats right. naked. things really couldn't get any better.
wow i just got back from work and realized that i never hit enter on this mamma jamba......oops.