Just realized something about the abuse double standard the other day...

Oct 26, 2013 23:36

So if you go up to someone who's cheering on a female character for beating up some male for talking to her or bothering her or whatever (something relatively innocuous, I mean), and you say "How would you like it if the genders were reversed," well, they'd have no defense at all. None whatsoever. If they were okay with a gender-inverted version then you could push them on why they thought it was okay for a boy to beat up a defenseless girl just for bothering him (because the boys in this situation, when you get right down to it, are usually defenseless). On the other hand, if they were not okay with it if the genders were reversed, then the question would become why it's okay for a girl to beat up a boy for bothering her, given that it so clearly isn't okay for a boy to beat up a girl for bothering him.

gender issues, fandom, characters

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