Analyzing "Shiki's" women

Oct 10, 2013 22:03

So in honor of my running a showing of "Shiki" at my school. I've decided to crawl back to it revisit it again, but this time I'll be doing something different: I'll be talking about "Shiki" entirely from the perspective of its women and gender politics.

The reason why I decided to do this is because it seems to me that although the "Shiki" women are awesome, people don't really talk about them. They want to talk about Toshio Ozaki, or Seishin, or Natsuno or Toru or whoever else, but it seems like they ignore all but the most prominent women in the series. Sooooo, I'm going to go through the "Shiki" episodes as they play and talk about its women, and what they do, and how they relate to one another and to the men in their lives; as well as what points I think this makes about gender. Additionally, I've made the conscious decision NOT to discuss the men at any length, unless I can bring them into the overarching gender politics that exist in the series.

So...yeah. Stay tuned.

anime, gender issues, shiki

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