Jul 27, 2013 10:08
Good morning, Lord. I just want to say thank you for opening the door for me to get my photography business going. Though my faith is a bit shaky these days, I'm choosing to see the fruitfulness I've experienced in these starting weeks as Providence. Thank you for equipping me and for providing clients. I have been so encouraged these past couple days to have my lost wedding contacts reconnect with me.
I have really been enjoying it all. It has been a rewarding venture thus far -- a challenging and fulfilling creative outlet. Also a chance to exist in Grown-Up Land again. My small successes have given me confidence. Though, I am blessed by the efforts of the Rosemont folks who have championed and promoted me out of love and loyalty. I wouldn't be anywhere without their support, especially Jeff's dad.
Thank you. For allowing this small flicker, this dream of being a professional photographer, to burn into a flame. It is good medicine for me to have a vision to pursue with tangible milestones along the way. I love visioneering and having something fun and uniquely mine to pursue. It is exciting and satisfying.
Thank you. I love you. Help me to pass the glory on to you and the others who are helping me and believing in me. It is certainly not glory I could possibly achieve on my own.
Anyway, thank you for this beautiful morning.