More than just pieces of metal

Apr 11, 2011 09:53

Wasn't quite how I planned to return to my LJ posts since being taken down by the dreaded 'man flu' but also it wasnt quite how I'd planned on ending a great evening out with Dario at the theatre... came home from town to find the house had been burgled again. Everything was trashed, every cupboard and draw turned out. Back door still locked and dead bolted but thrown wide open. I found the contents of my room scattered across my bed, I found my clothes pulled out of drawers, I found old letters of Gemma's strewn across the floor of her old room (amongst the final things she'd left at home). All electrical equipment, CDs and DVDs, everything out in plain sight was essentially left; they were after cash and jewellery. As I rummaged through the rubble on my bed I found the empty boxes for my mothers ring, my grandad's ring and my elven ring from Stevey (I'm grateful he still has my engraved ring with him for resizing). At that point I didn't care what else was taken, I even wished they'd taken all the stupid expensive things that could have been replaced if only they had left the rings.

My mother's ring was the one thing of hers I'd asked her for, when she'd tried to persuade me to have some of her other stuff, the diamonds and the gold, I said i didn't want them, just the old ring with the onyx stone that she wore everyday for as long as I could remember. Before we'd know she was going to die she'd given me Grandad's wedding ring, that had been his fathers before him. A small gold ring with a diamond that was barely more than grit, engraved inside with 'to dad love mum'. Mother had actually asked Ashley first if he wanted it, for his wedding ring when he married Sarah, but it's so old that if you wear it for any length of time the band snaps it's that weak. When he passed on it Mother gave it to me because Gemma already had my Nan's wedding ring. And now I've lost it, lost a piece of her, and grandad, and family I never could have met.

Mum's ring was gold, but as I don't wear gold I'd had it rhodium plated to appear silver. Turns out the fuckers were only after gold. As I tidied up some of the mess last night I happened to catch a glint of something on my bedroom floor under the bed. Silver with an onyx stone. I don't think I've ever been so happy or relieved, and I'm never letting it out of my sight again.

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