Jul 03, 2004 05:09
Upnorth. :)
Theres not really much more I can say..except I don't think I've ever been this sad to leave than I was this year.
I cant tell everything that happened
Because that would take another week just to explain it all
But I babysat one day and I realize that I really love little boys haha I met this boy named Vince and he is the coolest 6 year old I have ever met and I really wish I could have taken him home
Matt and Brian made my week a whole lot easier
And let me be with them a lot of the time
I love them
I also feel really bad for Matt
Who went to the hospital until 4 in the morning due to Brians mad football skills and jamming Matts hand lol
Say a prayer for him..actually im kidding hes fine
But it would make no sense for me to go on about them
Since nobody has the pleasure of knowing them besides Jillian
So thats all I have to say about that
Brian promised to visit me soon
I doubt that will happen but we shall see.
I love upnorth :)
and i love you.