Jun 21, 2004 07:11
Hmm well where to start!
Been going to Mikes a lot lately and going in his totally cool hot tub..which didnt turn out so good when Corey answered my phone with wet hands and it broke :( So now I have no phone...
But you can't blame it on a 7 year old who I love
Friday I went over there for a party with some neighbors
And this weird cop...woah
Did some things and I was supposed to leave at 11 which changed to 12 after some minor delays..oh well it was for the best :)
Saturday I had to do this driving range since I missed the actual day! It was bad and I hated it (plus I already have my permit thing so I dont know) But afterwards I got to go to JENS who I haven't seen in ages!!
We gave Benji a much needed haircut..MUCHHHHH needed
And hid the hair afterwards
We also went on a scooter trip to Lauras who wasnt home..talked to Jeff and Dale who stopped by for a while and mean things were said to Dale :( very saddd but it was ok because we celebrated afterwards by singing happy birthday to Jens mom! it was her birthday so if you see mrs kim..say happy birthday for sure
Played a little Shanghai..always a good time with the Rawski family..and I got home around 12 and that was that
Sunday was Fathers Day therefore I dedicated my day to my dad who I love
Actually I just had this bbq and stuff over here and then went to go see palmeris new house with my parents
camp from 8-1130..very fun! :)
And we have it for 3 more days..yes
Picked up Mike after that and came home and showered and stuff and Mike and myself went to Taco Bell and Meijers and then were around here the rest of the day! Watched some Boiling points while doing backrubs! very relaxing I must say.
I was supposed to go to Coreys game but
It turns out Mike had a game too so I went to Mikes for a half hour and had to come home once it started raining..hmm
So that would be all for nowwww
Commentss if you wish