Sep 12, 2006 12:04
My moms a stupid fucking bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
So ofcourse I wake up to...list..1 2 3 4 5 ...what you're doing wrong and what you're gonna do...and bullshit like that. not fuckin responsible for my own life....yet they are makin me get the tuition if i wanna go to college, me pay for clothes and shit now....
Gee I'm working and i got my now I'm supposed to be perfect.
So what will pick up your room every day or else we take away the car sept for have to be more responsible for your own life...
WTF SO HAVIN SHIT ON THE FLOOR IN MY ROOM IS MAKING ME NOT RESPONSIBLE!?!? GEEZUZ WOMAN...freak out cuz of shit on the floor.....what a lame ass rule....
You wont take cough medicine anymore...its addictive...WTF IM STILL COUGHING....
You must drive yourself to get bc...WTF i dont need it........jut cuz you freaked out over something you saw...doesnt mean i need bc....
You will wash your uniform every not doing it anymore...OK MOM BUT YOU SAID THIS LAST TIME AND DIDNT FOLLOW THROUGH SO I KEPT LETTING YOU DO now my fuckin pants are dirty....TY FUCKIN BITCH.
god mom just shut up...good fuckin morning to you too...leave me the fuck alone bitch.....its called IM NOT FUCKIN PERFECT....ITS CALLED IM NOT ON MY OWN FUCKIN YET....ITS CALLED YOU'RE STILL MY FUCKIN PARENTS WHEN IM "ALMOST 20"
And now ofcourse she's attacking my decision to get back with my bf UGH