Big Wheel, Keep on Turning

Nov 08, 2011 19:29

Wheel of Fortune

This card is a delight to arrive in your reading. Not only can it bring
about an unusual turn of events that are quite fortunate for you.

Full Meaning:

This card is a delight to arrive in your reading. Not only can it bring
about an unusual turn of events that are quite fortunate for you, but
that you are finally taking the lead in the direction of your own life
and your ultimate destiny. This card suggests not so much that events
happen to you, but rather that you instigate many major changes to bring
about a new life with new challenges and renewed hope. You may decide
to leave a job, leave a partner, or go overseas and the decisions you
make with regards to these will be so swift that you will shatter some
people's impressions that you were once a stable and slow mover. Now all
things must change, and change swiftly.

If you should happen to win the lottery or some other good fortune
befalls you, make sure you know exactly what you want to do with your
new-found freedom, independence and wealth. The bolt out of the blue is
likely to happen just when you thought you were in a rut and didn't
anticipate anything was going to alter.

Opportunities can arise thick and fast and leave you gasping for air
between this offer and that. Don't allow anyone to push you into
anything you are unsure of.

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