Aug 16, 2005 09:48
My dad's birthday was, 59 sounds so old to me right now.
I'm half looking forward to school and half not. The half that's not is mostly do to insecurity as far as having to meet new people all over again, and being afraid of not being able to find my classes--or a parking spot. I'm thinking that should go away after the first week, but the anxiety is going to kill me before then.
I went to the bank yesterday at Jewel and the banker kept asking me if he knew me from anywhere...I'm like umm...maybe because I'm always going to this bank? Well anyways, I had to go get some girly things (tampons, BIG bottle of advil...) and a birthday card for my dad and I went through the self-checkout and I was having some issues yesterday (like you know, generalized anxiety I mentioned above) and the banker kept walking by saying "hey, Abigail!" really really LOUD. It was freaking me out. I had to get out of there as fast as I could after I paid. I wonder sometimes if I should get my head checked.
It's kind of funny though because I get to work where I still have to deal with people, and I'm fine again. Probably because most of what I say is scripted and I actually know what I'm doing. How sad is that?
Today Amanda and I are going thrift store shopping and to Dunkin Donuts to bug my sister at work, and then Aaron's going out with me to DeKalb so I can walk around the campus again and figure out how much my books are going to cost, and so we can get stuff from his brother that he accidentally took with him when he moved in.
Gas was $2.71 out where I work yesterday. Holy jeebus.