yet more incessant rambling

Aug 03, 2004 02:23

Have you ever: 1. Kissed your cousin: not in that way!
2. Ran away: nope
3. Pictured your crush naked: i suppose so
4. Skipped school:dont think so
5. Broken someone's heart:maybe, the friends agreed i should have gotten that shirt that said "heartbreaker"...
6. Been in love: yes
7. Cried when someone died:yes, most recently Bradley and my grandpa.
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: welcome to the story of my life.
9. Broken a bone: as big of a clutz as i am, nope!
10. Done something embarrassing: ooo yea... 12. Cried in school: yup, for one reason or another WHICH IS BETTER 13. Coke or Pepsi: Coke
14. Sprite or 7UP: Sprite
15. Girls or Guys: depends on what for. Guys are fun! I looooove guys! but its great to be able to ride around giggling like maniacs talking about boys with girls!
16. Flowers or Candy: depends on if Im on that chocolate craving time of the month
17. Scruff or Clean shaved: on a guy...depends on the guy, cuz some guys look gooood with the scraggly thing, but clean shaven mostly
18. Blondes or Brunettes: doesnt matta
19. Bitchy or Slutty: Bitchy, we are all entitled to that every once and a while
20. Tall or Short: well...I'm i suppose tall
21. Pants or Shorts: depends, of course
22. Night or Day: no preference i guess... WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX 23. What do you notice first: hair
24. Last person you slow danced with:Timmy 25. Worst Question To Ask You: questions that make me rationalize my actions/feelings when I am just so damn confused
The last time you...
26. Showered: last night
27. Stepped outside: i backed up the big van earlier, so yea, i was outside then.
29. Romantic memory: movies, a car (many times), six flags (ferris wheel), a attic, a couch, a driveway, another couch, a bed, under the desk, outside my church, on the train tracks, and outside another church, and yet another couch...
30. Your Good Luck Charm: Don't think I have one.
31. Person You Hate Most: unlike SOME PEOPLE WHO WILL REMAIN UNMENTION (justin) i dont think I can answer that question.
32. Best Thing That Has Happened: ever? wow, thats a big catagory. A million things enter my mind...
33. On your desk: a whole lot of crap, lets just say that....a lot of it being my moms and all.
34. Picture on your desktop:check it out:
35. Color: You notice the last header direction said "the last time you" so the last time i color...okay, neways I love pink and purple.
36. Movie: Pirates of the Carribean and Gone with the Wind.
37. Artist or band: I like Shania Twain, Alan Jackson, Rascal Flats, Brad Paisley, Joe Nichols, Sara Evans, Kenny Chesney, Kelly Clarkson, Jessica Simpson
38. Car: I dont have a car...but I like quite a few styles I guess...
39. Ice Cream: I love chocolate chip cookie dough or sherbert flavors, but I like to try different ones every time.
41. Breakfast Food: i like all kinds of breakfast stuff, but im very particular, it depends a whole lot on how i am feeling that day.
42. Makes you laugh the most: Tim, Justin, Porter, Andrew, Meghan, Taja, Rachel, Matt, Lexi, Austin ( I guess all of my friends could go on this list)
43. Makes you smile: Porter (thats a special smile), Tim, Justin
44. Can make you feel better no matter what: Definately Justin, Tim sometimes, havent had to try that with Porter yet.
45. Has A Crush On You: Porter, I suppose...hehe, havent used the world "crush" in a while
46. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: yup.
47. Who Has it easier guys or girls?: I wont say that guys have it easy, cuz they dont, but girls dont have too easy of a time either.
48. Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: see, talk to, think about...Porter, in a good way! :-D
49. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: guilty as charged.
50. Save AIM conversations: perhaps...okay, every conversation I have had online with Porter...
61. Save E-mails: yea, I dont delete any of my emails.
52. Forward secret E-mails: yup, and have been given quite a few. You know, those things can get you in big trouble...
53. Wish you were someone else: Not that I recall...
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no...."i enjoy being a girl" ~scooby doo 2
55. Wear perfume: sure
56. Kiss: of course!
57. Cuddle: yes!
58. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: it may have happened before...
HAVE YOU EVER... 59. Fallen for your best friend?: absolutely.
60. Made out with JUST a friend?: it DOES SAY JUST!!! no no, bad bad! but to answer the question at hand, yes I have.
61. Kissed two people in the same day?: I have only kissed 2 people! but never in the same day...
62. Had sex with two different people in the same day?:
63. Been rejected: more or less

64. Been in love?: Yes.
65. Been in lust?: Orlando Bloom, need I say more?
66. Used someone?: eeeh...i may have, ive been told that I have...perhaps...
67. Been used?: dont think so.
68. Cheated on someone?: NO, no matter what other people thing, I know I didnt, neither in thoughts or actions.
69. Been cheated on?: eh, I guess you could say that, but it was a long time ago.
70. Been kissed?:YES!
71. Done something you regret?: of course I have, and I've also regretted not doing things. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON... 72. You touched?: Chibi, I think.
73. You talked to?: Porter, just got off the phone with him. In person, my mom.
74. You hugged?: Porter
75. You instant messaged?: Timmy
76. You kissed?: Porter
77. You yelled at?: Jason, the brother...
78. You thought about?: Porter
79. Who text messaged you?: no cell.
80. Who broke your heart?: I guess I could say it wasnt really broken by this person, but I guess if I would have made a move, it would have been.
81. Who told you they loved u?: Porter DO YOU... 82. Color your hair?: Nope
83. Have tattoos?: none
84. Have piercings?: just my earlobes.
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes, boyfriend, duh.
86. Own a webcam?: nope.
87. Own a thong?: sandals...

88. Ever get off the damn computer?: yup, but i always return.
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: eich liebe mein engel and spoin are my limits
90. Habla espanol?: Por Favor Mantengase Alejado De Las Puertas
91. Quack?: NOW you are speakin my language... HAVE YOU / DO YOU / ARE YOU...
92. Stolen anything?: yea, when I was lil and didnt know any better.
93. Smoke?: dont get me started on how much I hate smoking, but btw, thats a no.
94. Schizophrenic?: no...but I do have a bad habit of talking to myself a lot.
95. Obsessive?: your talkin to the queen, im so obsessive i have been labeled a stalker by SOME PPL before.
96. Compulsive?: yup!
97. Obsessive compulsive?: oooo yes. About AIM profiles...making sure my room is clean.
98. Panic?: if there is something to panic about
99. Anxiety?: actually, it seems that that is just during school.
100. Depressed?: i dont think i would go so far as calling it depression when i get into some moods.
Name: Lauren
Nicknames: I'm someone's angel (engel), someone's cookieface, and someone's baby. So besides that, nope.
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'8"
Siblings: Renee and Jason
Hair color: Brown
Sex Before Marriage? I would prefer not, Im not going to say it will never happen, but I would like it better to wait.
Been so drunk you threw up? never been drunk, nor have I ever had any type of alchoholic drink.
Wanted to hook up with a friend: I suppose you could say that.
Cried during a Flick: Lately, nope. I'm not a big cryer. But it has happened before.
Had a crush on a teacher: No way.
Prank called someone: yup.
been on stage: yup, I love to dance.
Shampoo: Dove, Suave, Biolage, whatever i feel like that day.
Body wash: Dove, bath and body works, what ever I feel like, I love switching around.
Summer/Winter: each has its own plusses.
Union or Confederate: I live in the South...I would have to say Conferderate, and then the GwtW influence makes me partial to the confederates. Then the whole redneck boyfriend thing, that just pushes it to confederates.
Like anyone as more than friends: yup.

------ Friends---- Known the longest of your friends: Emily. who's the loudest: Taja Who's the shyest: used to be me, but I think thats changed... Who do you go to for advice: anyone, mostly Justin or Tim, but yea, I'm highly dependent of people's opinions. Who do you cry with: Like I said, I'm not a cryer. Last HUGE crying episode...that was about a bathing suit issue with my mom...(whatever...) and then the big one about guys and all was back in december. ---------IN THE LAST 2 Weeks------------ Cried: Yup, but just stupid stuff, my mom is the one who will push me to the edge, out of frustration and anger.
Cut your hair: Nope
Worn a skirt: Quite a few.
Been mean: more than likely.
Been sarcastic: Noooooooo....
Talked to someone you have a crush on?: yup!
Missed someone/something: more than anything.
Hugged someone: yup.
Fought with your parents: most likely.
Laughed until you cried: yup.
Played Truth or Dare: nope...but thats a good idea...
Read a book for fun: You wont ever talk to me when I'm not in the middle of some book, whether it be school book or for fun. Right now its Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. -------Do you believe in.....-------- God: of course. Love: yes, I do. The Big Bang Theory: It is possible, but I dont know enough about it to form a strong opinion either way. It's not like it's something I'm passionate about.
Heaven/Hell: Yes --random questions -- What is your full name? Lauren Nicole Fogarty
Whats the story behind your name?: I dont think there is a story behind mine at all. I know some of my mom's friends have older daughters who are named lauren and nicole. maybe they stole my name.
Backstreet Boys or N Sync?: I was a HUGE N Sync fan. but backstreet boys were decent.
What was the the last thing that you said online? some lyrics i sent to Tim.
What is right next to you?: remote...and havent we already kinda done this question?
What was the last thing that you ate? cake...yea yea, i know it aint healthy, so shoot me.
What is your favorite state(s)?: Florida and Louisiana. And Washington DC, if you want to count that.
How many buddies do you have on your list: 44 on Buddies and 12 on SAME PPL.
What did you do last night?: Went out driving and talking with Meghan, talked on the phone with Porter and stayed up til 230 talking online with people.
What's the best thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex?: physically? hair, smile, eyes. about them? humor is a big thing, if they are interesting to be with, can have fun with them, and if they are a good listener.
Favorite hair color in the opposite sex : it really doesnt matter.
Pizza or ice cream?: ice cream...
What do you want to be when you grow up? civil engineer and work for the Corp of Engineers. which department...that is to be decided still.
Are you too shy to ask someone out?: no, I dont think so.
If you could change your name, what would it be?: not too sure, something flowy and pretty.
What will your first son's name be?: not sure about that one. Daughter? see above. Do you consider cheerleading a sport?: yea, its a sport.
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