TGW Fixathon fics!

Jun 14, 2011 18:55

Anal-retentively organizing my TGW Summer Hiatus Fixathon fics here.

Also, the answer is yes, apparently I DO only write slash anymore.


Title: Sunburn
Pairing: Kalinda/Alicia
Word Count: ~350
Genre: angst/romance
Rating: T

Alicia shines.

Kalinda hates the poetic bullshit of it, but that’s why this was ever a problem, right? Because when Alicia’s relaxed, she warms everything she touches, lights it up with a sunbright glow.

Even cold-blooded creatures like to bask in the sun sometimes. Kalinda would like to be an exception, but she’s not. It wouldn’t even be so bad if she could return to the dark, but now…

She’s not sure when it happened… when she stopped being flippant just because that’s what Kalinda Sharma did, and started doing it because sometimes it made Alicia Florrick smile.

When ‘drinks after work’ stopped being a code for fucking and started to mean lingering in the bar with Alicia, a pleasant tingle in her belly from the tequila and the company.

Kalinda’s not sure when it happened, but it did, and then all the rest did, and Alicia’s glow turned to a punishing blaze.

It’s been so, so cold, but only in that way that chills you when you have a fever or a sunburn… the air feeling like ice because everything is scorching you from the inside out.

This is what Kalinda realizes when she’s cornered like prey in the firm’s washroom, Alicia’s flick of the lock ensuring that they are well and truly alone. It’s like Alicia’s been waiting for this - the perfect moment to incinerate her. She pinches Kalinda’s chin, turning her face this way and that. Examines it with eyes like glowing coals, and the earth feels like it was just hurtled light years closer to the sun.

“So. Ka-lin-da.” Each syllable enunciated with suspicion, like they are three separate lies instead of just one. “You just do that, huh? Sex?”

This is bad, so bad. Kalinda knows she should walk away. She used to be so good at walking away. She is heartbeat away from becoming a pile of ash.

But the thing about staring at the sun for too long is that it blinds you, and with Alicia’s mocking lips a hair’s breadth from hers, she can barely see the sure disaster.

Kalinda goes up in flames.


Title: Sycophant
Pairing: Peter/Cary
Word Count: ~400
Genre: implied UST (is that a thing?)
Rating: T

“I’ve been researching your cases during your time in office, and may I say… I truly admire the work you’ve done.”

Cary Agos. Harvard kid. Impressive record of success as a junior associate at Lockhart Gardner, somewhat less so in his tenure as Childs’ errand boy (although Peter was more inclined to attribute that lack of success to Childs himself; the man was sloppy when fighting grudge matches). Put in more time than anyone else on staff.

Memory jogged, Peter remembered Alicia occasionally mentioning her competition at the firm. She never said much - not really her style - but the reference was usually accompanied by an eye-roll. This young man, he frustrated her.

“I would have lost faith in the system if your campaign failed. After all you’ve done for this city and this office, they would have been fools not to bring you back.”

Cary was young, had a firm handshake and a Cheshire cat smile. Probably practiced his sincerity-face in the mirror. Had a lean, hard body under his suit, no doubt bought with a premium membership to some exclusive and expensive gym. Was very, very interested in keeping his job.

Peter wouldn’t ever again trust anyone he works with - hell, or anyone, period - but it was good to make… friends, of a sort. With people below you. People with high vested interests in pleasing you.

“Anything you need, don’t hesitate to ask.”

Usually it was the girls who were easily swayed by the lure of a man with power. Anything you need, with big fawning eyes and smiles. And they had their charms, certainly. Dangerous charms. Peter wouldn’t be making mistakes with them again.

“I'm very skilled at what I do. And just to allay any concerns straight out the gate… I conduct all business for my supervisors with the utmost discretion.”

Peter leaned back in his chair, studying Cary while drumming his fingers slowly on the desktop. Cary didn’t shrink from the perusal; if anything, the glint in his eye shined brighter.

“There might be a few things you can do for me,” Peter said. “If you’re up for the task.”

“Yes, sir. You name it.”

Power always did suit Peter. He was beginning to feel right back at home.


Title: Learned Art
Pairing: Julianna/Archie
Word Count: ~1000
Genre: Friendship/UST, rpf
Rating: T



Title: Hands Down
Pairing: Kalinda/Alicia
Word Count: ~1200
Genre: Completely shameless, irredeemable PWP
Rating: M


fic: julianna/archie, ficathon, fic: alicia/kalinda, fic: peter/cary, fanfiction, the good wife

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