[locked to hesdead_jim] Alternate Reality

Dec 05, 2010 16:01

Slowly waking up in her big, cozy bed, Daniela scooted back a bit, wanting Leonard's warmth to encompass her. Not feeling any warmer, she scooted back a bit more, then more. She gave a sleepy pout. He must have gone into the bathroom ( Read more... )

verse: tmaace, muse: leonard mccoy [hesdead_jim]

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hesdead_jim December 5 2010, 21:15:31 UTC
Leonard woke with the feel of a warm body pressing into his chest, his arms instinctively tightening. He loved to wake up with Daniela in his arms. Nothing ever got him into a better mood to start off the day. Of course, his good moods didn't last long if he had to cope with stupidity and foolish accidents, but at least the start of the day was a positive one.

He hummed quietly that he loved her, pressed a sleepy kiss to the back of her neck and then froze when he heard the reply. That was not a voice he expected to hear. Especially not in this setting! As the body turned in his arms and kissed his chin, his eyes widened further. Jocelyn?!

She slipped out of the bed and he forced his gaze away when too much flesh came on show that he hadn't seen in a very long time, as she teased him about how he looked stunned this morning. This had to be a dream. A very odd dream. But before he could say anything, in came another familiar face, bounding into the room and jumping onto the bed with enthusiasm to hug him good morning. JoannaThis ( ... )


sweetinaskirt December 5 2010, 21:23:05 UTC
Trying to piece everything together, Daniela prided herself on only bursting into tears once and staying pretty level headed afterward. She examined everything in the room and was worried when she discovered many of her personal effects, and downright disturbed when she found a picture of herself in a cadet's uniform.

Then there was someone ringing the door chime and Dani's heart leapt thinking it might be Leonard. But when she answered the door it was Janice, clicking her tongue.

"Not even dressed yet, ma'am? You're expected on the bridge."

Not knowing what else to do, Dani headed back into the bedroom and put on a gold uniform.


hesdead_jim December 5 2010, 22:11:46 UTC
Leonard listened as Joanna babbled on about the lessons she was going to go have today, before Jocely ushered their daughter out to go get dressed. She settled on the bed - their bed? - and wrapped her arms around Leonard. It all felt so real and for a moment, he almost lost himself. But no, no. This wasn't right. So he smiled his best smile at her and made his excuse, saying he wanted to get some work done before the others turned up on shift. So he got up to get dressed, grimacing to himself at his state of undress in front of the woman HE knew as his ex wife.

He had to go find Daniela. He had to work out what was going on here.


sweetinaskirt December 5 2010, 22:23:06 UTC
After getting dressed, and twisting her hair up into a bun when Janice questioned her about wearing her hair down, which was apparently not what she normally did, she was handed forms to sign. Putting her name on them nearly made her sick. This wasn't a joke. These were official Starfleet documents and she was signing her name to them! She would get in so much trouble if she wasn't actually the captain ( ... )


hesdead_jim December 5 2010, 22:43:47 UTC
Leonard couldn't stop Jocelyn from giving him a goodbye hug and kiss to the cheek after Joanna had done the same, which had him walking with shaky steps towards medical. At least that was normal; he knew his way to medical and it was unchanged. Even in medical, little had changed. There were nurses he didn't recognise, but the layout was the same. As was the placement of his office which he swiftly entered.

He had more photos than usual. All of them either of Joanna, or he and Jocelyn, or the three as a family. Swallowing thickly, he sat at his terminal and immediately asked the computer to locate Daniela McCoy. Once told she was not a crewman, he asked for Daniela Mears, to be told she was up on the bridge.

But... what if this wasn't the Daniela he knew? He couldn't just go up there and talk about this, could he?


sweetinaskirt December 5 2010, 22:54:05 UTC
Meanwhile, Dani had headed into the Captain's -- or her -- ready room, finding a PADD on the table. She quickly went through the duty roster, familiarizing herself with the crew currently on the bridge. Apparently the helmsman was Lieutenant McKenna ( ... )


hesdead_jim December 5 2010, 22:57:12 UTC
Leonard did much the same as Daniela; he looked through the files of his medical staff. Four of the nurses he knew - thankfully, Christine being one of them still - but the rest he didn't. He needed to, he needed to be sure he didn't slip up.

But then he couldn't help and look into his own file. Into Jocelyn's too. She was still McCoy. Still his wife. They had never divorced; she had become a diplomat and as her career in Starfleet began, it seemed his did too. They must have chosen this together.


sweetinaskirt December 5 2010, 23:00:59 UTC
Daniela walked down the corridor, unnerved at those who passed by greeting her. She hated attention and this was like being in a spotlight. How she hadn't dissolved into tears on the bridge she didn't know. Maybe she'd been in shock.

She entered the med bay soon enough and headed straight for Leonard's office, stopping before the door and taking a deep breath to compose herself. She couldn't just throw herself at him. She had to be professional, just in case... Well, she didn't want to think about that possibility. It was time to dive in.

She hit the chime and waited.


hesdead_jim December 5 2010, 23:41:04 UTC
He sat up straighter when he heard the chime to his door and called out for whoever it was to come in. He kept the medical roster up on his PADD so if he needed to look down to see who it was in front of him, he could do quickly. It was about the only thing he could think of that would help in this moment.


sweetinaskirt December 5 2010, 23:46:11 UTC
The door swished open and she stepped inside, keeping her expression as neutral as she could. But her eyes couldn't quite mask how pleased she was to see him there, looking ever the same. At least he had the same uniform, unlike her.

"Hello, Doctor. How are things in here today?" She figured that was a good way to start. Feeling that she was going to start fidgeting soon, she clasped her hands behind her back like Spock.


hesdead_jim December 5 2010, 23:57:58 UTC
His eyes lit up at seeing her and he rose to get a better look at her. "Daniela," he was about to add further, before he saw what she was wearing. Not her usual colour, at all. Taking a better look at her, he saw the insignia and rank, his eyes widening. "Captain? Oh, oh of course. Captain. Things are... fine. An' things with you?"


sweetinaskirt December 6 2010, 00:02:55 UTC
She took note of the hesitation, but she didn't want to be too hopeful yet.

"Things are... good, yeah. Yes. Uhh, I just wanted to, see if everything was... in order in here today." Meeting his eyes carefully, she added, "A lot can change overnight, don't you think?"


hesdead_jim December 6 2010, 00:07:08 UTC
"You have no idea," he replied with a low breath. Shifting, he leant with his hip against his desk, looking over at her curiously. Was she hinting, or was he simply going through some sort of wishful thinking.


sweetinaskirt December 6 2010, 00:09:37 UTC
"Oh?" Maybe she could get him to reveal something. "Problems? Anything you want to tell me?" She crossed her fingers behind her back, begging please over and over again in her head.


hesdead_jim December 6 2010, 00:13:39 UTC
"Jus' didn't seem right when I woke up this mornin'. A lil'... strange," he was looking at her curiously then, searching for something that might not even be there. But oh, how he hoped it was.


sweetinaskirt December 6 2010, 00:17:43 UTC
"You know," she replied, moving closer, "things felt strange when I woke up today too. Like... I wasn't where I was supposed to be." There; she had been nice and vague. If he wasn't going through the same thing as her, he wouldn't think there was something weird happening to her.


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