Last Nite

Mar 06, 2004 10:58

Sooo to finish up on my day yesterday...

I forgot to mention sumethin about my day at work that usually doesnt bother me.
I LOVE KIDS!!!!!! but today that was necissarily all true. 2 adorable lil gurls walked into the store with their mom and one of the lil gurls wanted to act liek she was buying something. So i played along until her bratty lil sister took my till keys and ran!!!!I asked her nicely to give 'em back but she put them down her pants and in her sleeves and was liek Please give them back and she was liek I dont have i looked at her mom and her mom wasnt doin a damn thing!!! I was thinkin "DAMN lady get your kid in check!" Im not sure how many times i asked her and finally she threw them at me when her mom left her ass in the store. I dont want your damn kid lady! and my goodness gracious teach that lil beast manners!!!! It just pissed me off cause I told the lil gurl i was gunna have to tell her mom now and i looked over at the mom and she jus sat there smiley. BIOTCH!!!!

HaHa and my dumb ass doent hafta go to work till 430 not 330. Sumetimes im seriously blind.

If i still get the whole week off next week me and nikki should start our pilates workout!! Im sooo excited to start it cause good lord knoes i need it!!!!

OH WAT A NITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nikki, her sis, and i went to the outback steak house. We all had cheeseburgers which were realllly GOOD! but our service suk'd!!! (or at least to me it did) Our waiter was jus down rite rude, a total bastard if you ask me!!! He didnt liek spending time at our table, he thought i was stupid for asking how much a pop was since it wasnt on the menu, and he threw our bread at us...ugh the list goes on. Sooo we drove around a lil bit lookin for trouble lol j/k!!! we were wasting time to let our food settle so we could get dessert, so we took a trip down Memory Lane. I drove past my old house and i think everyone was sleepin', but it was a fun time. Then we decided to drive past an old-ex-co-workers new work. when i got up to the place we saw a lite on in their offices and we thought we saw him so i honked my horn and we all laughed our ass's off as i sped off! Soooo then we were gettin ready to go to Shari's and we saw these 3 kids trtyin to break into lockers that were in a truck on the side of the being the fun loving person iam...i honked at em'!!!!! It scared the crap outa them i guess cause one of the kids ducked lol. so then i got the idea to turn around and go back and do it again. So i did a u'ie and went by them again honkin and stuff lol. then we jus hadnt had enough fun and had to do it one mnore time. I saw a cop car commimg down the street and i didnt knoe if i should do it or not so at first i decided not to but last minute i decided to do it again!!!! lol poor kids lol. We had to go to the bathroom really bad so i stopped at Cascade Lanes real fast. The bathrooms were nasty!!!! and I knew tons of people that were there!!! I even think Dominique worked there!!! so be busted a move outa there and finally got to Shari's. After sitting there for liek 10 minutes the lady said we couldnt stay if everyone ini the group didnt order at least a beverage. I was liek WTF??!!! so we left and headed toward Denny's instead. Gosh we had too much fun at denny's. with the male waiters flirting and us yelling std's and aids!!! Gosh we were rollin' hahaha one of the guys even gave me a free lil bowl of the strawberry stuff!!!! And the other waiter guy was pretty hott, Nikki thought he kinda looked liek Rico (im still tryin to figure it out....)Im sure Nikki can think of much more but im sooooo outa breath!!!!

Oh and I got a free litter of Root Beer!!! ;)

Okay gotta go catch my breath ill be back laters....
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