AnglBabie169: hindu is all crap bots
SweetHunny540: figures
SweetHunny540: ur face is a crap bot! OH SNAP!
SweetHunny540: LOL!
Jessica and I were talkin' about aim chats and how stupid they are now. But I still like to mess with ppl in them :)
anywhoo, I went and got my third tattoo today from Skin City Tattoo in Tigard. I highly reccomend them! they are the bestest!! :) I got a russian Butterfly, it looks like this:
but I got it on my right side near my hip so the wings kinda stick up on my stomach, when I get a chance and it looks better I will take a pic of it with my camera, I like it alot :)
Work sucks now, they are cutting my hours alot, but meh oh well I guess I can deal, maybe I can get some more hours? I dunno that I really want to.
Apollo and I still arent talking as much as I would like too, he still says were 'seeing eachother', but i havent seen him in a week. we still talk on the phone, buts it werid, no 'i love yous' anymore :/ Oh well poo
I'm tired, I'm goin' to bed now