(no subject)

Sep 24, 2007 21:53

Took a shower at OIT for the first time since arriving. I was lucky enough to be virtually alone and able to enjoy the awesomely hot shower. Totally made my morning ^___^

Run-down of my first day in classes:

Psychology 201: At first, I was going through some serious issues on who exactly my professor was. When I walked in, I was expecting the lady I talked to at ROAD, who had gray hair and clear gray eyes that always seemed to smile. The person who claimed to be my professor was completely different. She had rusty red hair and analytically brown eyes, who had the build of my high school counselor and the gentle-yet-condescending smile of Yankumi, a character from the Gokusen dramas.

So basically, instead of fully paying attention to her talking about the syllabus, I spent the entire lecture trying to figure out if she was truly my professor. She even already knew my name and face when I walked in! How cool/scary is that?

In case if anyone's wondering, I sorted it all out with her after all my classes were said and done, and I am not insane ^___^

CST 102: This class is one of the two classes I have to take that'll lead me to my major (dual hardware/software), so I was pumped and ready. My professor already knows me by name and face, partially because I am one of the two girls in his class XD He had us all introduce ourselves and state our hobbies. All of us put 'video games' as part of our hobby. My professor told us to get gaming out of our systems, because it is the number one reason why so many of his students fail when the second half of term comes around. Also, his expectations of the class sound eerily similar to another class I took:
~Every credit hour spent in his class should mean three hours of HW outside of it
~Things will be laid-back now, but speed up in the second half
~Falling behind will kill you, in every sense of the word

It's AP Chemistry all over again.

During his lecture, I recollected my past experience with AP Chem, and couldn't help but feel slightly discouraged. I do not want a repeat of history, but my mind is also telling me that things will be different this time around. The key thing is that I want to have this degree more than anything else in the academic world. I think that alone might get me through without too many scratches. And my professor reassured me that he will do whatever it takes for me to be comfortable if I feel to overwhelmed with things, or help me with things that I can't ignore, like double-majoring in Psychology and keeping a part-time job. Basically, he's being helpful, and I think that'll make a difference too. ^____^

CST 162: This class was boooooooooooooriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing X________X I nearly fell asleep! No joke. The original professor for this class took on too much, so I got a different professor who has the most monotone voice in the world, seriously. And her idea of getting started was getting an overhead and showing slides to us, which put a damper on the excitement of EVERYONE in the room. I took notes like I should, but by the time my professor dismissed us, I practically bolted out of there. Everyone was somewhat unhappy, and we're all hoping that the class will be better when we actually DO stuff.

Oh, something weird happened when I was waiting for this class to start. I was staring at a guy who was talking to his friend, because his face structure and eyes looked so much like a person I've seen before. When I realized that his features were similar to Nishikido Ryo from NewS, I thought 'Oh, DAMN!'

I said it out loud.

And it made him turn around, which lead to him realizing I was staring at him.

Me: DDDDDD: Hi! ^____^;;; What's your name?

Behold, my charm works wonders. . . . . ::wails:: I can't make new friends!

Math 100: This math is Algebra II (yes, people, I know third time's the charm), so it was something I wasn't too scared of. My professor has a complex grading system that helps him keep track of who is having what kind of trouble of any subject of Algebra II, such as who can do linear equations off the top of their head and who is still having trouble with polynomials. On his tests, the students are asked to do the questions of concepts they haven't mastered yet. Not the whole test. And if the student has mastered everything before the final, they don't have to take the final and are not required to show up to class ever again.

Dude, I'm motivated by that XD

Writing 121: This class was interesting, to say the least. However, today was my first and last day of taking it, 'cause I bumped up to Writing 122 thanks to my AP credits from AP English 2!!! YAAAY!!! The professor appears to focus on rhetoric, which is the art of conveying information through words. It's also known as BS XD However, he made us do a few exercises. When he asked us to draw a tree, he compared all of the trees we drew, and pointed out that that is how people generally see literature: as a different picture. He then drew a diagram and asked us what we saw. When I figure out how, I'll put the diagram on here somehow. The professor was very nice, and I think I'll miss his eccentric way of teaching ^____^

After all of my classes were done, I went to go meet my advisor (who didn't seem that interested in meeting me), set up a class time with my Writing 122 professor (who's a choir director as well, but I don't think he likes me very much), and took care of my financial aid. All in all, it was a very tiring day.

Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. I am very happy that you all took a small amount of time to remember ^____^ ::gives happy cookies to everyone::
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