(no subject)

Sep 18, 2007 23:17

This will be my last entry on LJ that took place in the home I'm living now, the town I spent the wonder years of my life in, and with people that have known me for various measures of time.

To tell you the truth, it still hasn't quite hit home that I won't be coming back to Hillsboro for a while. My mind is still thinking that I will wake up to another day in the bottom bunk with kiku_cha8_8 still sleeping, spending the hours watching various things on YouTube and taking care of phonecalls. To me, I still have the luxury of just hopping on the Max and going wherever I please, or walking to Albertson's for whatever I need because of its convenient location.

It's almost as if my mind can't comprehend change.

Don't get me wrong. I'm aware that I'm going to college lol, but what I mean is that I still don't feel any severe shocks or discomfort. That doesn't mean that I'm completely ecstatic, though. I'm definitely going to miss it here. Hillsboro has been my home for as long as I can remember. It was a small town that had easy access to bigger towns, so it never felt like a small island in the big ocean. This is where I grew up. I went to two elementary schools here, explored the old neighborhood until I knew it inside out, was a Thunderbird in middle school, encountered my first experiences of love and relationships, lost my sanity and regained it frequently in high school, ran into people who make "the residents of big cities with big names" look boring, witnessed the attack of the apartment buildings, and went through the hardships of life within blocks of neighborhoods.

It's almost surreal, what's going to happen tomorrow. Hopping into the car, making sure all of the luggage in the back is properly secured, clutching my backpack full of small things that I can't leave behind in my lap, and heading off to a new place. But, I am not afraid, and when the impact finally hits me, I'll take it with grace.

Until then, I shall talk to you again when I am in my dorm room, completely set up and at peace. ^____^
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