
Feb 24, 2005 20:38

I just realized it has been a while since I have posted fannishly. And it's weird, cause I've been feeling all fannish lately - not just for QAF, but for lots of things. My various obsessions lately include Veronica Mars, Lost, House, Farscape, Stargate:Atlantis, The L Word, etc. I would go into more detail, but it would all basically consist of "Isn't it awesome? It's so cool," and very little else.

In other news, I've been kind of stuck on Retrograde, but am still planning on updating soon. (I apologize for the horrible cliff-hanger and everything, if for any reason it's still affecting anyone's mental stability a full month and a half later.)

And here's something really gross - I stepped in something yucky and smelly and brown earlier, and I thought it was mud, but it might not have been. Huh. Oh well.

On a somewhat related note, I am missing all the wank. But that's okay. I will just say this - B/J, B/M, whatever. Honestly, whatever. But no one fucks with the Justin. And that is my official view on pretty much anything. World hunger? Oscar-nominated movies? Just don't fuck with the Justin.

I have new CDs - Ani Difranco! Modest Mouse! And new DVDs - Before Sunset! Farscape! Star Wars! (Original trilogy all the way, babe.) And other than that, I am saving my money like mad, which is very empowering. Now if only I could get off my ass and reply to emails, voicemails, and life in general.

Also, the boy that sits ahead of me in philosophy class has the best shoulders I have seen in years. He took off his sweatshirt today, and he was wearing this tee that was all stretched and I was like, *boggle* *boggle* ... meaning of life what?

fannishness, life_morrissey-esque, movies

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