I really only post these days to rec vids. That's okay, right? A few older vids today, one newish vid, and one brand new one:
Angie by
greensilver (True Blood, Eric/Sookie)
Okay, Angie has always been my least favorite Rolling Stones song--in fact, you could safely say I hated it--but now I think that was just because I didn't understand. And Eric makes me understand! When will those clouds all disappear?? I love this vid and I love this show and I love vids that treat this show exactly as seriously as it deserves to be treated.
Can't Get Much Wronger [youtube] by WasabiAlchemist (Under the Red Hood, implied Bruce/Jason)
Of the many, many Jason Todd vids on Youtube, this might be my favorite. It's sharp and atmospheric and satisfying -- even though it's only 35 seconds long. I even love the creepy lipsync moment. Agh, Jason.
(Have I mentioned that grad school is like the worst time ever to get sucked into comics fandom? Goddamn Batman.)
Eleventh Dimension by
di_br (Doctor Who, season five)
Now, it's not that I'm not loving season six -- but I loved every second of season five, and just having Eleven around being quirky and oh so very much the Doctor was a huge breath of fresh air after *mumble mumble*, and this vid reminds me of that feeling. It's a gorgeous, action-packed season five vid that has ALL THE THINGS. And I did so love all the things. (It's worth downloading the mp4 for the shiny, I think.)
I'm not #@$*ing around (the free will blues) by
lolachrome (Supernatural, Castiel)
I haven't even watched the show in ages, so I don't know what's going on in this vid except that Castiel is really NOT fucking around, but -- damn. I love
lolachrome's editing, especially the intercutting and use of repeated clips, and the song works so well here. I've rewatched this vid so many times, and every time it ends I feel like I've been taken on a crazy ride. (Also -- setting as metaphor! yes!)
Oops, I Did It Again by
kuwdora (Chronicles of Narnia, Lucy/Tumnus)
I'm just going to leave this link here. What. What? Don't look at me. (OMG MR TUMNUS.)