PSA? Something.

Sep 05, 2011 00:46

So, I've had the biopic Christopher and His Kind downloaded for a while, but I hadn't gotten around to watching it. Matt Smith playing Christopher Isherwood -- could be kinda cool, right, unless I found I just couldn't shake the image of the Doctor. Anyway, I was just browsing through my downloads folder and found it, then, curious, clicked on the file and randomly skimmed through a bit of it.

And. I mean. Yeah, Matt Smith plays Christopher Isherwood. I knew on an intellectual level that this would probably mean gay sex scenes. But it is a whole 'nother thing to skim to a random spot in the movie and oh my god the Doctor is fucking that dude in the ASS and oh my god.

So. Spoiler! Christopher Isherwood had gay sex sometimes.

If, like me, you find yourself too lazy to watch the whole movie (though I might have to, now), someone appears to have compiled the scenes that deal more, er, directly with one particular relationship... (NSFW!)

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Now, let me go ahead and use the most inappropriate icon I can for this post.

misc_oh actors, tv_doctor who

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