upon whom I can thoroughly rely

Dec 28, 2009 00:22

Me, watching the trailers before Sherlock Holmes today, while periodically nudging my mother and exclaiming:

"Oh! It's Tyra! And oh my God, it's that dude, what's that dude's name, I love that dude, I watched that shitty tennis movie for him -- Paul Bettany! It's Paul Bettany, look! And ANGELS! Adrianne Palicki and Paul Bettany and there are ANGELS! With WINGS! This is already my new favorite movie!"

(My mother: "I think you just bruised my arm.")

Also, apparently I have the same taste in movies as my mother's 73-year-old boyfriend. We both ooh'ed over the trailers for The Wolfman and Clash of the Titans. (Him: "It has a monster! We have to see it!")

I went into this film expecting to be entertained, and I totally was. RDJ was playing himself, yet again, but he's so charming and hilarious, who could blame him? Jude Law, about whom I had no particular expectations, turned out to be a surprisingly awesome Watson, and was probably my favorite part of the entire film. Rachel McAdams was way hot as Irene Adler. It was all very silly and great fun, and I even managed to stay awake through most of the elaborate secret society bits.

The bad guy, Lord Blackpool, Lord Badblood, whatever, was fine, but he disturbed both me and my mother with his passing resemblance to Jeremy Brett. ("He was the one who should have been playing Holmes," my mother sighed.) And of course, they are now obligated to make a sequel. You can't just dangle Moriarty in front of us and then not make a sequel!

Parts that made me go eep! and flail: Watson shielding Holmes from the giant roll of chain, Irene Adler's eye-makeup and that outfit with the suspenders, Holmes and his disguises, "Someone upon whom I can thoroughly rely," the astounding lack of personal space, Watson yelling "HOLMES!" pre-explosion, the hilarious fortuneteller scene, Watson telling Holmes to get his thing out of his face, Holmes giving Mary his dinner deductions, the other few bits of actual detective work, Watson kicking ass (and doors!), Irene thanking Watson for helping to save her life, Watson, Watson, Watson.

So, where's the OT3 fic? (Or OT4. Watson's fiancee seems pretty awesome, too.)

fannishness, movies

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