reasons #s eleventy-billion through eleventy-billion and one

Dec 17, 2009 11:05

...why my mother is awesome.

1) I called her the other night and discovered that she had rifled through my collection of vid DVDs and was making her boyfriend watch Killa's Blue On Black. (They just finished marathoning all of Deadwood. Hearing my mother's 73-year-old boyfriend call people "cocksucker" is pretty great.) "Are there any other vids in her collection we should watch?" she asked me. I made some suggestions, then warned her about slash in a couple of them. "She says that one is slash," I heard my mother say. "Wait," I said. "You've told him what slash is?" "Oh yes," she replied. "He's fine with slash -- you're fine with slash, right?" (Apparently he was.)

2) So greensilver has been bragging to me about her awesome Christmas tree, which led to me telling my mother that we should have a Christmas tree next year. (I believe Christmas trees and -- well, other traditions of pagan origin -- are the awesomest parts of the holiday. But, for context, my family has not put up a Christmas tree in the entire time I've been alive -- we always go to relatives' houses to celebrate, and our own house is too tiny and crowded for a tree.) "Hmm, yeah, maybe next year," she told me. "We'll see." Then, I got home yesterday (finals over at last!) and walk into the living room, and --

-- there is a freaking Christmas tree sitting in the corner.

"It's a Fraser fir," she said. "I figured you would appreciate that."

So now, this morning, I have a huge mug of coffee, I have Club Vivid 2009 playing on the TV, and I am about to decorate this wee beautiful tree. Yay. My mother is awesome.


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