sometimes I forget, so a note to self.

Nov 13, 2008 18:42

I really love writing. Tonight, I met with my good friend (and fellow writing major) so he could help me revise some problematic poems before I consider putting them in my portfolio. I forgot how... I don't know, clean? Refreshed?... I feel after getting lengthy, thoughtful critique on my poetry. I like getting constructive feedback on my prose, too, but it's not quite the same. Also, for all that my fannish (and non-fannish) writing is lengthy and plotty, I am most comfortable when reworking a simple little collection of lines on a page. It's hard to believe how much is actually there, but every word, every turn of phrase is amplified and unbelievably important. I can't wait to get started on some of the changes he suggested.

And that, Self, is why you are applying to creative writing MFA programs in poetry and not in fiction. You like the plot, but love the line. And you have a short attention span. (P.S. Write your fucking personal statement and ask for recommendations. Now.)

On a related note, I also love running into my favorite professor at Walmart. It's so weirdly comforting when he calls me "Ms. [last name]." If he were forty years younger, I would have such a crush. Wait, who am I kidding? Maybe I have a bit of an pseudo-Electra complex. Huh.

Have I mentioned that I love the fact that we have an Obama? YOU GUYS. WE HAVE AN OBAMA. And a Rahm Emanuel, too, who might drive me to rewatch several seasons of the West Wing and look at Josh Lyman in a whole new light. Damn you, president-elect, why must you pick such hot staff members? (The amounts of puns involving "staff," "chief-of-staff," "member," and "Oh yeah, you can run my country any day," are causing my brain to combust from the sheer, acrid power of ill-advised humor. Ouch.)

Now I take a nap. For some reason I can only update this LJ when I'm dead tired and have a gazillion other things to do. But yeah. Poetry! I likes it. Also, why is there not a new episode of Merlin yet. Don't they know I am in need?

life_writer angst, misc_poetry, misc_politics

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