Don't need no stinkin' context.

May 09, 2008 01:28

My roommate just told me:

"You're such an old man."

Which I think might be the best thing she's ever said to me.

(Rapidly followed by the second: "I think I kind of fucked up your orange." Note to self: when kindly sharing citrus, NEVER ask her to peel anything.)

And then:

Roommate: When I was 4, I busted my eardrum and all this yellow gunky stuff came out of my ear for weeks.
Me: Oh my god. Fuck you. Fuck you.
Roommate: What?
Me: Look at what I'm eating!
Roommate: So? That's orange, not yellow.
Me: It's yellow. And it's gunky and it could have come out of your ear!
Roommate: No, it couldn't have, it's a fucking orange.

And so on. Time for bed, though. Oh, and I have missed birthdays! Hugs to all, but to sockkpuppett and jarrow in particular. Y'all constantly make life of the awesome.

life_roommatelove, life_friendlove

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