blast and bugger

Aug 28, 2007 11:37

Moved back in my dorm room yesterday, and immediately started off on a social foot; my friends and I went to a one-woman play about diversity (which was, ironically, rather bland) and then snuck out to the athletic fields to drink $3.99 wine. I came back to my room, unpacked all my clothes, then collapsed for approximately forever. Today was buying books and paying bills day, and now that's done with, so I have nothing to do until classes start tomorrow!

Which would be a lot more woot-worthy if my campus's network wasn't down. No internet in my dorm room, no internet in most other buildings on campus, and the library has apparently instituted a new "web use for school-work only" policy. Grrarrr. On top of that, I can't get IRC to work on my laptop, so... *waves mournfully at people*... the network problem, at least, will probably be fixed by tomorrow, but it's still frustrating. Right now I'm using the wireless in my local coffee shop, but I can't stay here forever. Ooh, but I did just figure out my IRC problem (*iz dum*), so now the network is the only frustrating thing. Yay!

Sigh. Maybe I'll actually get some fic-writing or VVC reviews done before all my time is taken up by classes and work. (I am so psyched about my new job.) Or maybe I'll just hide in bed under the covers until they drag me out. I'll keep y'all posted.

Also, the context of my icon matches how I feel about being at school again. I am like Sam in a Strange Land, y'all. So many freshmen swarming all over campus, and they're all so LITTLE and PERKY... which ones will be the last ones standing? And do I care?

We shall see.

life_oh life, life_school y'all

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