Vividcon Premieres pt. 1

Aug 21, 2007 16:47

I am sick and sniffly and currently eating blue corn chips and hummus, so what better time to type up some vid reviews?

These thoughts will range from "ooh, deep" to "ooh, shiny." And will probably contain spoilers for many of the vids themselves, which may or may not bother you. I encourage you to track down as many of these vids as you can; overall, it was an awesome, awesome vidshow. Also, apologies for any weird rambling or off-the-cuff remarks that may result from my illness.

Moons of Jupiter by Eunice (Doctor Who)
This was such an awesome vid to kick off Premieres. If the perky song choice and brilliant editing weren't enough, the Doctor/TARDIS section almost made me break an internal organ. So much love.

It's Not Over by butterfly (Supernatural)
And then immediately to the other side of the emotional spectrum. Some people mentioned in vid review that the song didn't really work for them; it worked much better for me once I grasped the vid's concept. (Dean wants to do it right this time around!) It took a while, not through any fault of the vid -- which is a good vid -- but because my brain was still in a happy whee TARDIS place and suddenly Dean backed his Angst Impala through it.

Seven Nation Army by Gabby (It)
My first thought was, "Yay, now I don't have to watch the movie!" (Actually, my very first thought was "OMGISTHATANEVILCLOWNHOLYFUCK," but, yeah.) I really enjoyed this vid, and loved the parallels of the young ass-kicking kids and their older selves. Also, look, it's Clark's mom!

My Happy Ending by Abby (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
I didn't know it was possible to make a Clementine POV vid with source that comes almost entirely from Joel's brain, but this vidder managed it. That's pretty nifty. The song isn't a personal favorite of mine, but worked really well for what the vid was saying.

(Sittin' on) the Dock of the Bay by FairestCat and lovelokest (Stargate: Atlantis)
I couldn't tell if this was a pro- or anti-Elizabeth vid, but I loved that first clip of Atlantis as the "dock of the bay." Heh. It might have been interesting to bring in old!Elizabeth a little more, especially toward the beginning, but I don't know if that would have jived with the vidders' intent.

Rodeohead by AbsoluteDestiny (Firefly)
Copy that, God loves this vid. As I was watching it on the screen, I kept thinking "Is there any part of this that isn't AWESOME?" At the end, I had to admit that no, there really wasn't.

Men in Black by Dianne (Apocalypse West) (Torchwood)
I am so terribly frightened at how well this works. I loved all the shots of the Torchwood team striding purposefully toward the screen.

I Remember by L'Abattoir (Charlie Jade)
Oh, wow, I need to watch this show. Amazing vid. People in vid review were mentioning the clip that tipped off the collapsing universes idea, where a folded piece of paper on a rod is pushed together, but the clip that really stood out for me was one of the scenic landscape that keeps changing like the photograph on a Viewmaster. I thought that was pretty freaking cool. I want to watch the show and then watch this vid again; I'm sure I'd get even more out of it with context.

Signal to Noise by Keely (Battlestar Galactica)
Great editing, interesting structure, excellent clip choice. It seemed like Lee was serving as a faux-omniscient POV for the BSG universe as a whole, which worked really well for me until right near the end (from the trial onward), when I thought the focus could have been brought back more towards Lee. It's still amazing to watch, though, and I love Keely's visual use of objects and text in clips. It really gives a fresh, unique perspective.

Cathain by Jill (Flyboys)
Pretty! So, so pretty. Pretty boys, pretty planes, pretty editing, and oh look, a lion! Dude! I have no idea what's going on in this vid, haven't seen the movie, but the sheer gorgeousness really makes up for it.

Head Over Feet by Killalla (Lord Peter Wimsey)
I think that you have to be careful when vidding this kind of source, because it's really hard to make those dour ol' British folks look lively. This vid might have worked a little better with some shorter clips (as well as a trim of the song, maybe), but it's tough when you're working with such difficult source to begin with. I'm afraid that took away from my enjoyment of the vid somewhat, but I still found myself getting nostalgic for all the PBS Mysteries series I used to watch as a kid. I also liked the use of the cool show credits in the vid itself. I might have to track this series down at some point. (Also, that woman in the vid is really hot.)

Bankshot by Zeneyepirate (Hustle)
Hugging! And crime! And happy smiling! And crime! This vid, like all of Zen's, is infectiously fun and ass-kicking. I love it, and now I may have to watch the show. *shakes fist*... I did not need another show!

Want by Destina (Supernatural)
Awesome. Loved the demon's POV, loved the song choice. And never before have I been so convinced that the YED was just gonna throw Dean down and fuck him in the ass as I watched. Jesus. I do think that it would have been awesome to end on the clip of Dean kissing the crossroads demon, but it's brilliant anyway.

Spiriti by deejay (Miracles)
Ooh! I loved this vid -- the use of some slightly sped-up clips along with the chanting vocals makes for some awesome creepy. This vid could so totally be a trailer for all that would have come next -- and the questions that we'll never get answers to now. Sigh.

Sick Cycle Carousel by Wolfling (Star Wars)
I was completely distracted during this vid in Premieres (my pre-vid anxiety was finally kicking in), but I got a chance to rewatch it later, and I like! It made me think maybe George Lucas isn't a complete poophead, which let me tell you, is no mean feat. It also reminds me that I never did watch Revenge of the Sith. Maybe I should do that.

West of Her Spine by sweetestdrain (Dexter)
It's completely ridiculous how your own vids seem to play in slow-motion. I had to keep telling myself, No, your clips are NOT each two minutes long. But hey, I didn't manage to encode it upside-down or break the projector!

Synthesizer by Zoe (Buffy)
Lots of happy Buffy moments. I've been rewatching the show lately, so this vid was all kinds of adorable. I do think that with a slight song trim and a more consistent metaphor for "techno" the vid could be upgraded from "adorable" to "awesome," but really, whatever, this vid was still cute and it contains THE CHEESE GUY. I fucking heart the Cheese Guy. All vids should contain at least one clip of the Cheese Guy. He's like Neo. Consider this your memo.

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