(no one can hear us inside this set of parentheses)

Apr 10, 2007 17:19

Posting again, even though I have comments to reply to, but I'll tackle that later tonight. (Speaking of comments to reply to... if a hypothetical person were to hypothetically discover that they never replied to some of the numerous and lovely comments left on a fic back in January like this hypothetical person thought they had... is it best just to leave it be, or to randomly pop up saying "By the way, thank you!" and startling these poor people who've surely lost all hope of a reply by now? I am torn.)

I am drinking lukewarm chai, eating a crumbly not-so-good chocolate chip cookie, and updating my resume. Eep. It's kind of a difficult endeavor because I have difficulty remembering dates like you would not believe. (Actually, given the first paragraph in this post, you probably would believe.) Whenever I talk about things that happened in my childhood, I always end up lumping events into camps of "When I was 9" and "When I was 7," regardless of when they might actually have taken place. My perception of time just sucks. The Doctor would never take me on as a companion.

Actually, the Doctor has a perception of time all to himself, so maybe he'd find me amusing. (No! Keep me away from the Mary Sue!)

The point of this post (believe it or not) is for me to repost a meme that seemed rather fun. Ganked from a few people, the meme is as follows:

1. Comment in this post with a pairing, a character, or a threesome.
2. I shall write you back a paragraph explaining what I think about it (good, bad, indifferent) and why.
3. Just repost in your own journal. (optional, man.)

Hit me! When I get done with this resume-updating I'll need something to take my mind off this absurd Month Of Doom. (I just got back from spring break to discover that everything is due in two weeks! Labor applications, declaration of major, schoolwork, every fucking thing. I am going crazy.)

(And very parentheses-happy, apparently.)

meme, life_school y'all

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