and I want to be a writer when I grow up?

Apr 09, 2007 12:46

spn_j2_bigbang wordcount: 19,939/20,000.

Yay! Almost there! Only 61 more words! Except not, because despite my word count accomplishment, I am nowhere near done. Not at all! Not even a little bit! Maybe half-done! Two-thirds, if I'm lucky!

Why have I done this to myself? (And why do I insist on inflicting my wailing on y'all, you may ask... and it would be a good question.)

I will eventually be posting about things of import, I swear. I have vid recs and a list of desert island vids and Deadwood thoughts and smart things to say about current movies and all other sorts of stuff in my head...somewhere...underneath all the angst and Winchesters. So much angst. So many Winchesters. (Well, two, but that's more than enough.)

Am I going crazy? I think I am. I think I'm going to go take a shower. I always get my best plot ideas in the shower. Not that I am obsessing over this stupid, horrific monstrosity of a fic. Arrrrgh.

I have about four vids-in-progress that I could be working on, you guys. Yet I can't make myself focus on them. Why? ANGST and WINCHESTERS, that's why. (The really sad thing is that I can't even focus on my vid draft about Angst and Winchesters. That's just not right, somehow.)

Oh, before I go take that shower -- it's very cool and all that Jared Padalecki is going to star in a {possible) trilogy of movies. Awesome! Padalecki is the man. But has anyone really looked closely at what he's going to be in a trilogy of movies about?

This Thomas Kinkade dude paints horribly insipid landscapes to convey his religious faith and sells them on QVC. My oh so trusted and non-biased resource of Wikipedia also implies that he gropes (groped?) random women and has a reputation for being an asshole drunk. Jared Padalecki aside... they are really making three movies about this dude?

May I just ask one question of the universe at large?


Although, I must admit that the film(s) might be at least somewhat interesting if they leave in all the guy's bizarre heckling and selling himself on QVC and the ugly kitschy horror of it all. Actually, if they do leave in all that, I might actually see the movie in theaters. But what are the odds that they will, considering that Kinkade is still alive and kicking and out for more money? And even so, the point stands: why would that take more than one movie?

If there is something I am missing about this whole thing, please enlighten me. Are the movies about some other living American painter by the same name? I am baffled.

life_writer angst, misc_oh actors, movies

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