You know those random moments of insanity you get sometimes, especially when faced by a post about a fic challenge? Mere minutes ago, I signed up for
spn_j2_bigbang. (I accidentally typed "bigband" at first, which ... ooh. 1930s Sam and Dean. Ahem.) What this means is I have to write a Supernatural fic with a minimum of 20,000 words by like, May or June. Dude. Why must I be so insane with my first fic in a new fandom?
In less "omgwtfhaveIdone" news, I just pimped out Dead Like Me to my roommate. She's spent every spare moment since I handed her the DVDs hunched over her laptop screen, headphones on, giggling at Mason. 6 episodes in. She says it's true love. I'm just pondering what to get her hooked on next. (Ideas?)
Speaking of my roommate, my ex-roommate inexplicably decided to post a video on youtube that I recorded of her new haircut. It's remarkably short and uneventful, as many youtube videos are. But, if you're stalking me and/or want to see what my ex-and-current roommates look like, they're both in
this little clip. I'm the utterly silent one that you can briefly spot in the mirror behind an unsuspecting ex-roommate's head.
And now it's off to class. Woot!