grargh. why can i not post something other than school crap?

Apr 27, 2006 23:49

I should really not go home this weekend -- I have lots of crap to do and two different study groups to get together with -- but if I do not get out of this place in the next twenty-four hours, something is going to get kicked in the head. Really hard. I think avoidance of assault charges gets priority over homework, at least this time.

On the bright side? I have convinced one study group that for our class presentation, we are making a vid. Rockin'. Or, as rockin' as African Traditional Religion can be... huh, come to think of it, that's pretty damn rockin'. I need to sleep.

Only two more weeks of class, then finals. Not that long. Not that hard. Totally doable. Okay.

life_classes, life_oh life, life_school y'all

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