I am a hermit *and* a TV slut.

May 25, 2005 22:30

It's me. Yay! I am still around somewhat, but mainly just lurking and vidding. Sorry about the lack of communication on my end, y'all. I'm currently trying to get back into the swing of LJ and email though, so we'll see how I do.

Happy news: Angel Season Five DVDS arrived today. (Yes, yes, I'm late to the party.) They look shiny and brilliant and really, really gay. Seriously. I have not seen a gayer DVD cover in my life, and that counts all 4 seasons of Queer as Folk. Picture this: Two hot brooding men (Angel and Spike, obviously) posed with intense looks, rumpled clothes, and heavily hair-gelled do's, with flames leaping around in the background. That's straight off a yaoi cover, man.

Anyway, I'm excited. I love S5. I wonder if it'll mess with my head too much to rewatch it at the same time as I'm rewatching season two of Buffy?

I feel like I'm being more of a TV slut than usual lately. I've rewatched Buffy up to "Nightmares", watched the first two episodes of Jeremiah, am slowly devouring Farscape (just saw "Won't Get Fooled Again"), am still in love with House(House!House!), and the other day I was actually in the mood to snag my father's Stargate SG-1 DVDs, but then I got over it. Also watching Lost, Queer as Folk obviously (I loved the season premiere), and other stuff.

There's something I love about season finale season. My father is starting a theme of showing me the last five minutes of particularly evil cliffhangers from the shows he's watching, which is fun, cause I can get the "Oh my god, I can't believe they just did that!" out of it without the pesky emotional involvement.

Speaking of season finales - gotta go watch Lost now. Maybe it'll make my brain come alive enough to vid more.

P.S. vividconvividconvividcon I am excited and it is months and months away. Dude.

fannishness, life_parentlove

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