Caffeine and an action figure relapse.

May 28, 2005 20:02

I greatly enjoy shopping most of the time, but when it comes time to buy swimming attire, I cannot deal. They are tiny scraps that I have to pay how much for? By the end of the experience I feel like I've been beaten about the face. We'll see how the items I bought today end up fitting, because although my clothing sizes are generally pretty consistent, I'm currently bloated like whoa and thus I refused to try anything on at the store. I am very smart this way. Oh god.

So after being beaten in the face once I got out of the swimsuit area of this particular Big Box, I stumbled directly into a patch of Star Wars action figures. None of you knew me when I was twelve... and fourteen... but, umm. I had a relapse. They were just so tiny. And they had slashing action. And I needed to feel comforted after all the tropically flowered spandex. You see where I am going with this.

I haven't even seen Episode III yet. I just know that this 3 1/4 inch bright blue Jedi chick looks really awesome, and so does the red stripey Jedi chick, and the clone trooper has interchangeable helmets, and Obi-Wan has Slashing Attack. I would've gotten Padme but the only one they had was mispainted and looked like it, too, had been beaten about the face.

(Not kidding about the Obi-Wan figure having slashing action attack, by the way. Not only that, to get him to perform the "slashing attack" you have to squeeze his legs together. Yeah.)

(It reminded me of the last time I was at the mall and Claire's had this little diary with a lock on it. Of course, at Claire's that isn't really a surprise, but on the front? Will Turner and Captain Jack Sparrow looking all too pretty and standing reeeeaaaally close together. I was like, yes, somebody's going to buy that for nefarious slashy purposes and lock it up to keep their parents/friends out of their slashy pirate fic. It was pretty cute. I would have gotten it for myself if I wrote slashy pirate fic, but alas.)

Then my mother and I drove home with the windows rolled all the way down, eating muffins, drinking coffee, and listening to the Kings of Convenience fullblast. The combination managed to make my beaten-face feeling finally go away, even if the car now looks like a muffin-crumb bomb went off inside it.

So, the moral of this story:
a) I am still a sucker for Star Wars action figures after all these years.
b) I'll look incredibly mismatched at the pool this year because I can't stand to buy more than one piece of a particular swimsuit pattern.
c) I love my mother very much for many reasons, but today I love her for buying me muffins.
d) all of the above.

P.S. Oh, oh, I want John Crichton to be my new TV boyfriend please. He's so shiny.

misc_foodlove, fannishness, life_oh life, movies_star wars, misc_geekery, life_parentlove

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