Jan 28, 2005 21:07
I could waste time being sad and stressed and wonder what I did wrong, but I've been over that and, having come to the conclusion that I was in close proximity to being a saint, I've done nothing wrong. Everything in my heart and soul and my body say gogogo, and I've never been loyal, except to my own pleasure zone, so we know how that goes. What's the use in dwelling on anything so ridiculous, something that suffered a complete reversal in a matter of 72 hours and still fails to have an explanation? Pointless. I've spent enough time doing things like that, and all I wound up with was a lot more hurt than was really necessary, and too much time spent alone. I don't plan on being alone. Not tonight, or next week, or ever. Besides, this didn't really build enough for there to be much for me to say.
So there were some good times and good chemistry, and then someone decided to act several years their junior and it crashed. I could say something immature like "your loss darling" but that would be a lie. I'm at least aware that the other person is not always entirely at fault, and that I have, in fact, suffered a loss, though it pains me to admit it at the moment. In the long run, I'll probably be glad I had the foresight to recognize such a thing, and glad I didn't resort to tactless name calling and snide remarks. Those are reserved for the people who also bring heartbreak and tears, the people who, with the slightest glance, make you dizzy.
Cause he still does. I hardly ever see him. But when I do, I feel like I'm in a total tailspin, and I try to convince myself it's only the obscene amount of coffee and cigarettes I usually consume before class. Do you ever get over someone? Isn't it unfair that while he sends me into near hysterics and an inevitable hour of reflecting on my self-worth, he probably sees me and thinks "stupid bitch" and carries on with his day? Horrid how things never seem to balance out right.