Oct 21, 2008 22:30
I just got word today that my uncle that has been dealing with cancer is nearly at his end. His cancer started in his throat and spread. They did chemo, radiation, and surgery. We have know for awhile now that it was just a matter of time. My mom (who is currently in Michigan where my uncle is) was called to his bedside today because he was bleeding from his feeding tube and he wasn't breathing well. He would pant then it seemed like he stopped breathing and then he would start to pant again. He has a trach tube in also. So they dont expect him to last but a day more maybe... I hope that the morphine that they have been giving him has him so doped up that he doesn't feel any of the pain and that his mind isn't intact enough for him to be scared. It has to be awful. I don't want him to suffer or be scared. At least if nothing else it will be over soon and he won't have to hurt or be scared anymore...