Aug 30, 2007 02:09
so my summer has consisted of:
minimal social life
maximum insane work outs
medium job application
being out of undergrad sucks. it's so hard to get a job that pays (yes, internships are all well and good but something would have to pay the rent...something besides my parents). all the jobs that pay come with an assload of from grad students. fantastic. so essentially, i don't have that much to offer. the 3, 2, 1
tonight i have become re-obsessed with the idea of psych grad school. maybe a PsyD program, since i detest research and want to do as little as possible. the downsides to this:
- psy.d. programs are WAAAAAY more expensive than Ph.D. programs (pretty freaking costly)
- very few of these programs are in the top rankings for psych grad degrees (although, those are ones i'm interested in, so i guess it could work out.
benefits include:
+ internships and fellowship placements with good programs
+ emphasis on therapy
+ potentially less years than earning a Ph.D. (not always the case)
a Ph.D sets you up to be either a researcher or a professor, usually. i don't want those careers.
a psy.d is a clinical doctorate that emphasizes clinical therapy techniques and practice
here's another thought:
i want to get paid.
thought seriously of pharmacy. pays a lot, but i'd have to go to a lot more school (at least a year) to apply for a pharmacy program....and in the meantime...meh. by a lot more i mean: 1 lower div physics series (2 semesters), 1 lower div ochem series (2 semesters), 1 semester math, 1 semester anatomy. i don't know where i could do this or how quickly. also, there could potentially be a full bio series. this makes me think i'm committing to undergrad all over again. not cool. the payoff, however, may substantially outweigh my other career choices.
some psych pays...but a lot doesn't pay that well because of things like medicare. it's a bit uncertain. but a doctoral degree should pay off in any case. and a Psy.D. is doctoral.
I need to ask for letters of rec. damnit. i also need to find a clinical public service job and eventally take the damn GRE to apply for most places.
in other news, i am an insomniac. i can't sleep when my life is so uncertain. i can't sleep when i feel like maybe my 4 years of undergrad were a waste or a mistake. i have to find a way to reconcile this. since i know i am good at being a student, i just need to focus on how to get back into school. fuck it. i'm tired of being creative.
oh, but just for fun, i have an interview with continental in houston on the 6th. if all else fails, i'll fly for a while and study for the damn GRE.