Jate and some such

Feb 02, 2007 22:46

In light of the major hype about Lost coming back in five days, I decided to ask a couple of my friends why they liked (or disliked in a couple cases) Jate and then I thought, well, why not find out what the rest of my flist thinks about the subject.

I'll listen to any argument from either side. I can be pretty rational about an argument so long as it makes sense and you have no idea how much I love to debate my point to others. Or squee in the case of my fellow Jaters.

I just have one request to Skaters everyone--don't give me the "it's hot" reason. That's not a reason. It's an excuse to watch a porno and I like to think that Lost is at least a few steps above smut in the ladder of entertainment.

Pimp this to your friends, guys. I want a ton of reasons why people love Jate. Or dislike them if that's what rocks their boat.

jate, lost

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