Dec 29, 2006 21:53
You know, it's kind of weird to be writing my most intimate thoughts here for anyone who cares to read it to read it. But I figure people that honestly want to get to know me will learn a hell of a lot more about me more quickly by reading this than by spending time with me alone. I mean I speak my mind here more coherently and easily than I do in real life interactions. I'm an introvert and this helps me process my shit, and helps people understand what goes on inside me.
I was talking with someone online tonight and I started to realize something. I'm laid back about a lot of things. When I take the time out to hang out with someone I'm wanting to spend time with them and I don't want to put on a damn show to do it. I don't care if we sit and talk or go out. I mean if I say I don't care I don't. If I have an opinion I voice it. Some things I just couldn't care less about. So, don't get pissed off at me if I say I don't care. Make a decision and we'll do it, if I don't like it I'll tell you.
If I'm quiet I'm processing. I'm an introvert which means it's sometimes hard for me to socialize. I generally don't like it and only choose to hang out with people I really like. And I love to learn from people so I like to do stuff that other people like to do because I generally pick up something new that I can use. Everyone I've been close to I've picked up a love of something different from. Authors that I now love because someone introduced me to them, movies that I now love, music, artists, styles of stuff.
If I say something random, don't get mad at me. Humor me. Be amused and start to play with my thought. Expand on it, get silly. I love that. Expect me to turn your stuff into silliness too. But when I'm serious don't laugh at me. It's hard for me to be serious sometimes